flathub / de.manuel_kehl.go-for-it

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App ID has changed #1

Open AsavarTzeth opened 6 years ago

AsavarTzeth commented 6 years ago

All active development has moved to the JMoerman fork. As part of this the new project maintainer has changed the id to com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it.

It would be really nice if there was a way to change the application id. I remember reading about this in an issue thread somewhere, but I cannot find it at the moment. Is this actively being worked on?

If anyone has any recommendations on how to handle this in the mean time, feel free to post any suggestions.

TingPing commented 6 years ago

I don't think its easily doable (@ramcq)

TingPing commented 6 years ago

This was briefly discussed this week so its at least a known problem: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/FlathubCall

bbhtt commented 1 year ago

Did something change here? JMoerman seems to be keeping it up-to-date.

If moving to a new package is needed, this one should be EOL-ed and the new one needs to be resubmitted with the correct app-id.