flathub / edu.berkeley.BOINC

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VirtualBox is not installed #2

Open RolandHughes opened 2 years ago

RolandHughes commented 2 years ago

I installed this on Solus, fresh install. Added all of my projects. virtualbox-not-installed

I actually have VirtualBox installed on the system so I'm guessing I'm guessing this FlatPak isn't properly including VirtualBox.

RiQuY commented 1 year ago

Bumping this issue, this still occurs as 2022-10-02 with BOINC Manager 7.20.2 installed from Flathub, my OS is a Pop!_OS 22.04.

Anvil5465 commented 4 months ago

This is still not working for me on Pop!_OS. I've tried enabling various permissions in Flatseal, but nothing seems to work.

RolandHughes commented 4 months ago

You can't fix it yourself. VirtualBox for BOINC MUST be installed within the flatpak. YABUs have this package. https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/boinc-virtualbox

Un-install the flatpak of BOINC because it is useless for any real crunching as all of those projects require VirtualBox. Since POP is a YABU you should have the above package in your repo. Install it, BOINC manager, and all the dependencies they want and you should be good to go.

Don't use the flatpak as it was not properly packaged.

Anvil5465 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the explanation @RolandHughes!

VirtualBox for BOINC MUST be installed within the flatpak.

@idunno101 any chance you could package virtualbox with the flatpak? Would this be easy to do?

Anvil5465 commented 3 months ago

Relevant thread: https://discourse.flathub.org/t/package-virtualbox/4347