flathub / edu.berkeley.BOINC

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Viewing/changing the gui_rpc_auth.cfg #9

Closed GuiltyDoggy closed 1 year ago

GuiltyDoggy commented 1 year ago

I want to use this flatpak for the BOINC Manager, but not the embedded BOINC client. I am using a separate client (Docker), which is able to use my GPU. So I've disabled the "Run the client?" under Options > Other Options. This prevents the embedded client from running when I launch the flatpak. Then I can connect to my Docker BOINC client by going to File > Select Computer.

However, I would like to have the Manager connect to my client automatically when launched. Currently when I launch the flatpak, it throws up an error saying "Invalid client RPC password. Try reinstalling BOINC". I see that the flatpak pre-fills a RPC password when selecting localhost for the computer.

I'm thinking that if I change my Docker client to use the same RPC password as the embedded client, the flatpak should connect automatically to my client upon launch. However I'm unable to see what RPC password is being used by the flatpak client. Where can I find this?

GuiltyDoggy commented 1 year ago

Found it by using flatpak enter to enter into the running instance.