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French Translation #132

Closed LtSich closed 8 months ago

LtSich commented 8 months ago


I use betterbird with flatpack on Linux. But since the last update the french translation doesn't work anymore.

When I go to the add-ons sections I have this warning : Français Language Pack is incompatible with Betterbird 115.3.2.

This is the exact version that I use : 115.3.2-bb15 (64-bit)

I didn't try the linux archive + langage pack atm, as I would like to stay with flatpak.

[EDIT] The downloadable archive from the website work fine in French. I will switch on that atm, tbh it could be useful to have the flatpak working fine. I don't know who manage that one. [/EDIT]

[EDIT 2] manually downloading the langage pack, and installing it from files work on the flatpak too. [/EDIT 2]

mfschumann commented 8 months ago

Please remove the language pack that you installed manually and restart the Betterbird flatpak. It should then pick up the language pack that is delivered within the flatpak.