flathub / eu.betterbird.Betterbird

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Update to 115.0 on beta channel #90

Closed mfschumann closed 1 year ago

mfschumann commented 1 year ago

This PR prepares the update to the stable 115.0 release. It will stay on the flathub beta channel until stability is deemed ok or 102 is EOL, whichever is earlier.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 51154

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 51156

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 51154 was cancelled

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 51156 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/33784/eu.betterbird.Betterbird.flatpakref
mfschumann commented 1 year ago

Test results for application extensions:

I am going to test how profile migration works when sticking with distribution extension lang packs instead.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 51553

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 51553 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/34181/eu.betterbird.Betterbird.flatpakref
mfschumann commented 1 year ago

Test results for distribution extensions:

That means upgrading from 102 to 115 is smoother when we stick with distribution extension lang packs. The only downside I can see: If a user previously uninstalled a language pack for a profile through the UI, it will not come back for that profile. @Betterbird Any thoughts on this?

Betterbird commented 1 year ago

Any thoughts on this?

Yes. Distribution extensions suck terribly as a long litany of problems with TB's Lightning distribution extension showed. It's not only that de-installation will forever prevent the distribution re-installation. Also installing an extension manually will forever break the distribution extension upgrade path.

I would switch to application extensions and tell the users to remove the defunct old ones manually. If that's too hard, we could even implement suppressing incompatible old language packs programmatically (although I prefer not to).

Shipping anything as distribution extension was a mistake to start with, and we'll never fix it if we don't take a clear cut now.

mfschumann commented 1 year ago

Ok, then let's go with application extensions starting with 115.0.

I am not sure how we should inform users about the change. I will add a paragraph in the Readme of this repo, but most users won't see this before they upgrade. Do you think a note on the BB website or some kind of notification in BB would make sense?

Betterbird commented 1 year ago

We'll put something onto the release notes, which also people won't read :wink:

Betterbird commented 1 year ago

What about putting a note here: https://flathub.org/apps/eu.betterbird.Betterbird Under Changes in version 115.0 ... We're switching language pack from distribution extensions to application extensions. Please delete the outdated language packs from Betterbird 102.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 52006

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 52006 failed

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 52047

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 52047 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/34679/eu.betterbird.Betterbird.flatpakref
Betterbird commented 1 year ago
  • On an existing profile migrated from BB 102 the application extension lang packs for BB 115 are shadowed by the incompatible user extension lang packs from BB 102.

I just saw this on Windows: On a profile with a 102 language pack installed I started 115. The language pack flashed up as incompatible for a split second and then the banner disappeared and it was no longer incompatible, in fact, it's used and there are lots of errors about missing strings in the error console. Looks like a Mozilla bug 😢. I need to look at this and figure out what's going on.

mfschumann commented 1 year ago

Interesting. I cannot reproduce this behavior with the flatpak'ed 115.0-bb6-build3. Can this bug be Windows-specific?

Betterbird commented 1 year ago

Well, if you look at the console, it first says that the old language pack is incompatible, but soon after, it springs back to life. Maybe because I have the language configured as alternative language. Anyway, we can't run the risk that this will blow up, so:
