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[1.11.22] transparent margins on window #332

Open schildbach opened 1 year ago

schildbach commented 1 year ago

Since v1.11.22, when I maximize Element Desktop to the left or right half of my screen, I get strange transparent margins on the window. See screenshot. Screenshot from 2023-02-03 16-38-07 The purple area on the left is actually my desktop background. It can also be another app, if it happens to be there. The same issue is on the bottom of the window. I'm on Ubuntu 22.04.01, Flatpak 1.12.7, all updates applied.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

I just noticed the margin is at the top too (visible in the screenshot even), only it's always white rather than transparent due to the window title background.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

The borders actually seem to be window resize handles, according to the form of the mouse pointer when I hover over them. However the upper and lower margin don't resize anything, while the left margin actually seem to move the right window edge rather than the left.

t3chguy commented 1 year ago

I just noticed the margin is at the top too (visible in the screenshot even), only it's always white rather than transparent due to the window title background.

What desktop environment are you using? Because https://flathub.org/apps/details/im.riot.Riot says

For GNOME, window decorations are currently missing and you'll have to use keyboard shortcuts instead to resize the window.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

What desktop environment are you using?

Whatever comes with Ubuntu, so it's Gnome-ish I guess. I've not had troubles with window decorations in the past months though, other than the title being white rather than dark despite me having selected dark mode. And I was certainly able to resize the window with the mouse, and still can if I detach it from full screen mode.

By the way, the detached (non-fullscreen) mode is not affected by this issue.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

I've got another Flatpak app (the Arduino IDE), and it's not affected by this issue.

Torbuntu commented 1 year ago

When I snap to the right side in GNOME: Screenshot from 2023-02-04 08-07-50 If I go to the left the other side does it. This is on Fedora Silverblue. I've not seen this with any other applications I'm using (including Arduino IDE ;) )

SISheogorath commented 1 year ago

This is probably related to some recent changes by #325 which was supposed to push wayland support.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

This issue is still present on the .23 flatpak that was released today.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

This issue is still present on the "second" .23 flatpak that was released today.

LorbusChris commented 1 year ago

Is this happening under wayland or x11?

schildbach commented 1 year ago

Is this happening under wayland or x11?

It's stock Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS.

develroo commented 1 year ago

Just want to add here. It happens on Version: 1.11.23 on Gnome (43.2) Wayland on Debian Testing.

It happens both in full screen and half screen modes.



zevlee commented 1 year ago

This appears to be a Wayland-specific issue. I revoked the Element flatpak's access to the wayland socket and the issue went away for me.

LorbusChris commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed by https://github.com/flathub/im.riot.Riot/pull/342

schildbach commented 1 year ago

When will this fix be released to flathub? Element Web/Desktop 1.11.24 is now a week old, but the flatpak is still at .23.

schildbach commented 1 year ago

This issue is still present on the 1.11.24 flatpak that was released today.

develroo commented 1 year ago

This issue is still present on the 1.11.24 flatpak that was released today.

Hmm I am on 1.11.24 Element im.riot.Riot 1.11.24 stable flathub system

And I turned off X11 completely, Screenshot from 2023-03-08 12-25-54

and it seems to work for me now.

zevlee commented 1 year ago

Like @schildbach I am still experiencing the same problem, even when I follow @develroo's suggestion and disable the X11 socket. The only thing that fixes the issue for me is to disable the wayland socket, as mentioned before.

develroo commented 1 year ago

Odd. Well as I said I am on Debian Testing (Gnome 43) and Wayland Maybe it is specific to your distro ?

LorbusChris commented 1 year ago

I cannot repro this on Fedora 37 either

schildbach commented 1 year ago

This issue is still present on the second 1.11.24 flatpak that was released today.

SISheogorath commented 1 year ago

Given we have no stale bot, I think it's enough to mention when it no longer happens.

develroo commented 1 year ago

Well that sucks. It upgraded to 1.11.25 and now the transparent margins are back. What is going on here?

CR0CKER commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue on the latest PopOS with Element version 1.11.29

LorbusChris commented 1 year ago

I'm now hitting this too on Fedora 38 in half-screen mode.

develroo commented 1 year ago

Yup still a thing on v 1.11.30 on Wayland Gnome 43 came back, dunno why?

Torbuntu commented 1 year ago

This is still an issue with the latest updates. Fedora Silverblue Rawhide (f39) Element Flatpak 1.11.36

None of the tinkering in flatseal with x11 sockets seemed to make any difference.