Open Simarra opened 5 years ago
Fast DDG finds bug opened on Eclipse, but no answer yet. Is this working on non-flatpak version? I don't know how to reproduce this.
I didn't try on a non flatpak version. I'll try when have some free time and tell you my resulst. ( BTW, thanks for the fast anwser! )
Can you try flatpak run --runtime org.gnome.Platform//3.32 io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
(you may have to install the gnome platform first). The GNOME platform should come with a modern and supported GTKWebKit and I don't think it's in the FDo Platform.
With that I get new error: Expected word but found End-of-Stream (line 1)
Expected word but found End-of-Stream (line 1)
Expected word but found End-of-Stream (line 1)
But this could be my error, I don't have correct data.
@Simarra please test with flatpak run --runtime=org.gnome.Platform//3.32 io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
Hey, another error occured with the gnome 3.32 runtime specified: flatpak run --runtime=org.gnome.Platform//3.32 io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
** (WebKitWebProcess:91): ERROR **: 09:32:18.795: SWT web extension: Call failed because 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown.'
( the error message is shown on the konsole, and the app juste show empty frame)
Can you write step by step how can I repro this (db driver, db/column type, values) I'm not familiar with geo.
Install a postgreSQL server, with postgis extension (Easiest way is to use mdillon dockerfile )
Insert any geographic data into database (for newcomers in geo, you can use the really good WYSIWYG software QGIS, also available as flatpak ;) )
Use Dbeaver and try to preview the geom on the table: Open a table with geom right clic on a geometry cell Layout -> Spatial
The datatype is "geometry", and values are shown as WKT (geom as text) , but i guess under the hood it is WKB (geom as binaries)
OK - looks like it's looking for a dbus service that isn't being exposed to the sandbox. Might also be worth running with --log-session-bus or --log-system-bus (although that output is very noisy)
The Dbeaver version 6.2 provide geo vizualisation functions. But it need web libs to do this, and it seems to be not implemented in the flatpak.
Step to reproduce: