flathub / io.github.dweymouth.supersonic

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Flatpak won't open in Linux Mint 21.2 #69

Open holotone opened 4 months ago

holotone commented 4 months ago

Installed via Flatpak in Linux Mint Software manager. When I try to launch it nothing opens. If I try to launch it from bash it hangs here:

me@host:~$ flatpak run io.github.dweymouth.supersonic 
2024/04/06 10:48:42 Another instance is running. Reactivating it...
2024/04/06 10:48:43 No other instance responded. Starting as normal...
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Starting supersonic...
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Using config dir: /home/me/.var/app/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/config/supersonic
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Using cache dir: /home/me/.var/app/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/cache/supersonic
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Creating session lock file

Per this discussion it appears to be a Flatpak specific issue.

I am able to install other software via Flatpak without issue.


jonstump commented 4 months ago

that said; i am still using the flatpak here and it works fine... is this your first flatpak package installed? do other flatpaks work properly?

My issue is happening on a new fresh install of Linux Mint 21.3. I only installed it about a week ago.

I have had another flatpak issue. It actually happened just now when installing another. I found a ticket for it here. In this case it isn't the main flatpak, but the configuration app that comes along with it. But both crash in werid ways.

The reason I bring it up is that in both cases the issue hasn't been reproduced and I wondered if there wasn't something up with flatpak on new installs of linux. It was one of the few similarities I saw between the two tickets and figured it might be worth sharing.

anarcat commented 4 months ago

I'm sorry to have to ask this, but it's still not clear to me: do you have any Flatpak app working at all?

I'm trying to figure out if this is an app-specific issue or just "aah I can't use this flatpak thing" level of problem. :) The fact that you have the problem with another app also feels suspect to me...

Another data point there is that the issue you refer to (https://github.com/trigg/Discover/issues/319) talks about crashes on Plasma, which is KDE..

What environment are you folks running on? GNOME? KDE? something else?

More information you can give use here the better! :)

holotone commented 4 months ago

I am on stock standard Linux Mint 21.2, not KDE or anything weird. I've been running this OS install for a few months. I have about 10-15 other apps installed via Flatpak with no issue.

Thanks again for the help!

jonstump commented 4 months ago

My install is Linux Mint 21.3. It's less than a week old and using cinamon as a DE. I have lots of other flatpaks working, so far it is these two that are causing me issues. I shared the ticket erring on the side of "more info is better" hopefully it didn't cause too much confusion.

The only other major post install change I did on Mint that I can think of worth mentioning is I have the propriatery Nvidia drivers installed. I don't think those would be an issue, but also they have been an issue in the past on linux so worth mentioning I guess.

anarcat commented 4 months ago

thanks for the updates folks. that's all useful information, unfortunately i'm not sure it helps me much debug this issue... a bit out of my depth here.

i did post a new build for the 0.10.0 release, who knows that might help? :)

jonstump commented 4 months ago

Tested 0.10.0 and it still having the session lock file hang up error.

dweymouth commented 4 months ago

I don't think the session lock file is the issue here. That's the last log message printed (currently) in a normal startup. I'm guessing it's something about the windowing system and being unable to create a window in the Flatpak for some reason. You can check that it's not the session lock file by editing Supersonic's config file to change AllowMultiInstance to true, and in this case it will not attempt to create or check a session lock file

TobiZog commented 2 months ago

I've got the same issue on Linux Mint 21.3. It seems, that the program wait for something, maybe access to the file system? No disk access and any CPU activity.


fellipec commented 1 month ago

I confirm, doesn't work on Mint 21.3 but works well on Mint 22 Beta

dweymouth commented 1 month ago

Just want to chime in for anyone affected that the non-Flatpak release build (libmpv1 version) is known to work well with Mint.