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How to set dark mode? #12

Open ToasterUwU opened 1 month ago

ToasterUwU commented 1 month ago

Thanks for making this, i always prefer Flatpaks over Appimages.

One issue i have and cant seem to figure out is that the ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini doesnt seem to affect the flatpak version. The Appimage version will see the gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=true setting in that file and then load in dark mode, but the flatpak version either ignores it or doesnt have access to it.

I have very light-sensitive eyes, so i cant use the stock light theme version without extreme eyestrain after a short while.

If you have any ideas how to fix this, that would be greatly appericated

asbytes commented 1 month ago

You can copy settings.ini to ~/.var/app/io.github.pyfa_org.Pyfa/config/gtk-3.0

ToasterUwU commented 1 month ago

I already have the same setting in that place as well, but it doesnt do anything. The app still starts in light mode :/

asbytes commented 1 month ago

This works for me:

You can copy settings.ini to ~/.var/app/io.github.pyfa_org.Pyfa/config/gtk-3.0

You could try to inspect app overrides with Flatseal. Maybe there are some excessive environment variables or file system permissions.

ToasterUwU commented 1 month ago

Weird.. I don't see any overrides or environment variables that are set and could do anything like that.

Unless you have another idea, im pretty much out of them.. If this is just a me issue i can just stick with the Appimage and close this issue.