flathub / net.ankiweb.Anki

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Apologies. This is being tracked upstream at https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk/issues/709 #21

Closed aldevel closed 5 years ago

aldevel commented 5 years ago

Hi, if you meant "As this is an issue in a different component I'll close this here." as there is an other closed issue with the same title then I notice this as I have to name the title unique. Otherwise it shouldn't be a reason for closing issue, I think, especially if the problem is still persist. Please don't apologize, basically I got it free I mean, instead explain little bit more clear about the stuff you provided. I did the downgrade you mentioned however it didn't solve the issue. Other thoughts or explanation for the closed but referred issue below? Thanks

Previously closed issue:

Apologies. This is being tracked upstream at https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk/issues/709

For now you can downgrade the runtime:

flatpak update --commit=71faea5b07a69e755b0b3c3694aa5a8903d3a69b09994b0e8ebd8b60d2dc744f org.freedesktop.Platform.html5-codecs

As this is an issue in a different component I'll close this here.

Originally posted by @nedrichards in https://github.com/flathub/net.ankiweb.Anki/issues/20#issuecomment-478012041

aldevel commented 5 years ago

Ok, basically I don't know how or why but today it's started and it works now. I assume the right think to do if I close this now. Thanks for the previous reply.

jurf commented 5 years ago

Well, the problem was beyond our control, and affected many more apps, so there wasn’t much reason to keep an issue here.

The linked issue has since been fixed; that’s why it’s working again now.

However, next time please add a comment on the original issue if you have further questions, instead of opening a new one. You can add comments to closed issues too, we’ll still be notified.