flathub / net.ankiweb.Anki

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Typing in Korean shows up in English #42

Closed puelp closed 2 years ago

puelp commented 3 years ago

Flathub Anki does not allow me to type in Korean.

  1. select any input area in Anki
  2. change the input method to Korean
  3. type anything
  4. Korean characters should show up, but instead English characters do

Maybe this issue affects CJK characters in general?

luni3359 commented 3 years ago

I have a similar issue. Are you using fcitx?

Now, does the normal Anki work for you? https://apps.ankiweb.net There's installation instructions in there, it works perfectly for me and I've started using it in place of the flatpak for the time being.

puelp commented 3 years ago

I'm using GNOME and GNOME's input manager, whatever that may be!

I haven't tried normal Anki because I'm a complete noob and I'm 100% sure that I will accidentally delete all my files if I start messing with the command line haha.

luni3359 commented 3 years ago

It's okay, you won't break your system. I'll guide you through it.

  1. Go to the site I linked and click the download button, it should guide you to another button. Click this other blue button too. step1
  2. Either the file will be automatically saved to your Downloads folder (located in ~/Downloads, in other words, /home/whateveryourusernameis/Downloads) or you will be prompted to save it. Please put it in ~/Downloads.
  3. Follow the instructions on the website in your terminal. I'll paste them here for your convenience. Like the website says, you don't have to type the $ symbol.

My instructions don't have the symbol, so feel free to copy-paste each individual line to your terminal (or type them out manually). If you don't want to type the entire name of the file, you can press Tab once to autocomplete, or twice to show options. If you feel scared or insecure about what you have typed, press Ctrl + C and retype what you were just typing.

tar xjf Downloads/anki-2.1.40-linux.tar.bz2
cd anki-2.1.40-linux
sudo ./install.sh
  1. Ta-da! That should be everything. In theory Anki should now be available on your system. Now you can graphically remove the downloaded anki files in your Downloads folder, and Anki will keep working.

If for whatever reason Anki is erroring out when you open it (unlikely), open your terminal again and put this in: sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0, and it should work.

puelp commented 3 years ago

Thank you, it worked. :)

aggressivepixels commented 3 years ago

This seems to happen with input method frameworks in general. Neither Fcitx nor IBus seem to work with the Flatpak version of Anki, yet they work just fine with the "normal" one. The only other Flatpak in my system is Telegram, and Fcitx seems to work just fine there.

I'm running KDE Neon 5.22.

shoop commented 2 years ago

Same for me, Fedora 34 (still need to upgrade) and GNOME. Switching IME to Japanese does not work with this Flatpak.

shoop commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the spam but wanted to document my solution. Turns out that this is due to a missing environment variable: IBUS_USE_PORTAL=1 -- based on a lucky guess seen in this link.

It is possible to add an override for yourself by running this:

$ flatpak override --user --env=IBUS_USE_PORTAL=1 net.ankiweb.Anki
JayXT commented 2 years ago

I've got the same problem: flatpak version simply ignores fcitx5 Japanese input. @shoop , do you know whether there is similar variable for fcitx5?

JayXT commented 2 years ago

Similar issue for Japanese with fcitx5 mozc input has been created: https://github.com/flathub/net.ankiweb.Anki/issues/56

ghost commented 2 years ago

IBUS_USE_PORTAL=1 does fixes ibus for me with or without wayland.