flathub / net.jami.Jami

GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 5 forks source link

Jami crashing when tried to launch it (after closing it after adding new contact) ! It is useless now ! #22

Closed Nokia808 closed 3 years ago

Nokia808 commented 4 years ago

Hi. I suffer today from very bad thing ! Jami return useless on Fedora again ! I added new contact. It was okay till I exit the program. After exit the program, I tried to relaunch it again & it failed to launch with system error message - see screenshot bellow:


Now, Jami return to be totally useless again on Fedora !

Nokia808 commented 4 years ago

This issue limited to flatpak version. I uninstalled flatpak version, then added official repository for Fedora OS by Jami official site, then installed their official .rpm package for Fedora Linux & every thing working well & no such crash.

noarchwastaken commented 3 years ago

(Maybe) same problem here.

here's the last bits of log when running from flatpak run net.jami.Jami:

** (jami-gnome:3): WARNING **: 23:49:23.698: Error : dring is not available, make sure it is running
Couldn't setup video input renderer:  Device 'Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying' not found
/usr/include/c++/9.2.0/bits/unique_ptr.h:338: typename std::add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::operator*() const [with _Tp = lrc::api::video::Renderer; _Dp = std::default_delete<lrc::api::video::Renderer>; typename std::add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type = lrc::api::video::Renderer&]: Assertion 'get() != pointer()' failed.

Unfortunately, I'm running Debian bullseye(testing). Jami doesn't provide a package for Debian bullseye/sid; I tried the packages for Debian buster and Ubuntu 20.04, but there are dependency problems.

noarchwastaken commented 3 years ago

(Maybe) same problem here.

here's the last bits of log when running from flatpak run net.jami.Jami:

** (jami-gnome:3): WARNING **: 23:49:23.698: Error : dring is not available, make sure it is running
Couldn't setup video input renderer:  Device 'Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying' not found
/usr/include/c++/9.2.0/bits/unique_ptr.h:338: typename std::add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::operator*() const [with _Tp = lrc::api::video::Renderer; _Dp = std::default_delete<lrc::api::video::Renderer>; typename std::add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type = lrc::api::video::Renderer&]: Assertion 'get() != pointer()' failed.

Unfortunately, I'm running Debian bullseye(testing). Jami doesn't provide a package for Debian bullseye/sid; I tried the packages for Debian buster and Ubuntu 20.04, but there are dependency problems.

This log is from when attempting to start Jami again after the initial crash.

noarchwastaken commented 3 years ago

This might be related to #19 .

FuchtelJockel commented 3 years ago

Is it still happening?

noarchwastaken commented 3 years ago

Is it still happening?

I just switched from Debian bullseye to Fedora 33, did a clean installation on this package and it's not crashing now.

Though I can't say for sure, since too many factors changed for me since last time I tested.

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

Last version, released today, is insta-crashing when add/load account.

Nokia808 commented 3 years ago

@EchedeyLR Hi. What you mean by "insta-crashing" ? Do this mean not crashed or frequently crashed ? I searched for meaning of "insta" & did not found ...

FuchtelJockel commented 3 years ago

If you want any help please provide logs otherwise I will ignore the issues. Run flatpak run net.jami.Jami to get them.

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

Insta-crashing means "instant crashing" ~ almost at the same moment I add/load account. I am going to provide logs as you say.

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

I think that given the log, it is a different issue.

This happens on both from backup or connecting from other device.

This issue is not reproducible in official Jami builds in both official third party APT repository provided by Jami developers or official main APT repository of Devuan.


echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ flatpak run net.jami.Jami
** Message: 16:33:22.769: Jami GNOME client version: development
** Message: 16:33:22.770: git ref: f6d50ba8bd027d9d02964f0954b40275c472267b

(jami-gnome:3): dbind-WARNING **: 16:33:22.799: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[1610123603.268|    3|ringbuffer.cpp    :55   ] Create new RingBuffer audiolayer_id
[1610123603.268|    3|ringbufferpool.cpp:118  ] Ringbuffer created with id 'audiolayer_id'
[1610123603.269|    3|video_device_monitor_impl.cpp:169  ] udev enumeration failed
[1610123603.270|    3|video_device_monitor.cpp:222  ] Failed to add device /dev/video0: could not open device
[1610123603.270|    3|manager.cpp       :708  ] Not initialized
[1610123603.270|    3|manager.cpp       :708  ] Not initialized
16:33:23.270         os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.10 for POSIX initialized
[1610123603.271|    3|manager.cpp       :772  ] Using PJSIP version 2.10 for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
[1610123603.271|    3|manager.cpp       :773  ] Using GnuTLS version 3.6.14
[1610123603.271|    3|manager.cpp       :774  ] Using OpenDHT version 2.1.9
[1610123603.271|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :602  ] Using SIP nameserver:
[1610123603.272|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :602  ] Using SIP nameserver:
[1610123603.272|    3|siptransport.cpp  :191  ] SipTransportBroker@0x55c459c76320
[1610123603.272|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :701  ] SIPVoIPLink@0x55c459b21400
[1610123603.272|    3|manager.cpp       :789  ] Configuration file path: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610123603.272|   13|sip_utils.cpp     :252  ] Registered thread 0x7fb2c37fd030 (0x3)
[1610123603.272|    3|manager.cpp       :2883 ] invalid node; first invalid key: "preferences": Preferences node unserialize error: 
[1610123603.273|    3|manager.cpp       :475  ] Errors while parsing /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610123603.273|    3|manager.cpp       :814  ] Restoring last working configuration
[1610123603.273|    3|manager.cpp       :2883 ] invalid node; first invalid key: "preferences": Preferences node unserialize error: 
[1610123603.273|    3|manager.cpp       :475  ] Errors while parsing /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610123603.273|    3|ringbuffer.cpp    :55   ] Create new RingBuffer urgentRingBuffer_id
[1610123603.275|    3|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610123603.275|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610123603.276|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610123603.277|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :145  ] Connection to PulseAudio server established
[1610123603.277|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :175  ] Updating PulseAudio sink list
[1610123603.277|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :192  ] Updating PulseAudio source list
[1610123603.277|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :209  ] Updating PulseAudio server infos
[1610123603.279|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :645  ] PulseAudio server info:
    Server name: pulseaudio
    Server version: 12.2
    Default Sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
    Default Source alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
    Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
    Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right

[1610123603.279|   14|audiolayer.cpp    :132  ] Hardware audio format available : {s16, 2 channels, 44100Hz} 0
[1610123603.279|   14|manager.cpp       :2632 ] Audio format changed: {s16, 1 channels, 16000Hz} -> {s16, 2 channels, 44100Hz}
Daemon is running
No accounts to migrate

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 16:33:24.019: gtk_scrolled_window_add: assertion 'child_widget == NULL' failed

(WebKitWebProcess:23): dbind-WARNING **: 16:33:24.242: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-WARNING **: 16:33:24.354: Theme parsing error: <data>:1:270: not a number

(jami-gnome:3): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 16:33:24.890: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 16:33:39.301: gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 16:33:48.621: gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[1610123628.622|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:197  ] Can't find a usable accelerated H265/HEVC codec, disabling.
[1610123628.622|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:232  ] Encoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610123628.622|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:233  ] Decoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610123628.622|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :311  ] Can't load proxy URL from cache: Can't check write time for: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/dummy/dhtproxy
[1610123628.623|    3|manager.cpp       :2794 ] Adding account 2d95e2219dfeb5f
[1610123628.623|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:197  ] Can't find a usable accelerated H265/HEVC codec, disabling.
[1610123628.623|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:232  ] Encoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610123628.623|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:233  ] Decoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610123628.623|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :311  ] Can't load proxy URL from cache: Can't check write time for: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/2d95e2219dfeb5f/dhtproxy
[1610123628.625|   53|nat_pmp.cpp       :58   ] NAT-PMP: Initialized on gateway
[1610123628.632|   53|nat_pmp.cpp       :413  ] NAT-PMP: Can't remove all port mappings: NOGATEWAYSUPPORT
[1610123628.634|   53|nat_pmp.cpp       :413  ] NAT-PMP: Can't remove all port mappings: NOGATEWAYSUPPORT
[1610123628.686|    3|pupnp.cpp         :118  ] PUPnP: Initialiazed on
[1610123628.687|    3|account.cpp       :486  ] Couldn't find key "Account.bootstrapListUrl"
[1610123628.688|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :1086 ] [Account 2d95e2219dfeb5f] loading account
[1610123628.688|    3|namedirectory.cpp :449  ] Could not load /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/namecache/ns.jami.net
[1610123628.688|    3|account_manager.cpp:57   ] Loading certificate from '' and key from '' at /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/2d95e2219dfeb5f
[1610123628.689|    3|account_manager.cpp:79   ] Error loading identity: Can't read file: 
[1610123628.689|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :829  ] Exported account to /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/2d95e2219dfeb5f/config.yml
[1610123628.689|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :1844 ] [Account 2d95e2219dfeb5f] Starting account..
[1610123628.689|    3|manager.cpp       :1733 ] Saving Configuration to XDG directory /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610123628.690|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :829  ] Exported account to /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/2d95e2219dfeb5f/config.yml
jami-gnome: bignum-random-prime.c:345: _nettle_generate_pocklington_prime: La declaración `bits > p0_bits' no se cumple.
Syncing lrc accounts list with the daemon
"detected new account 2d95e2219dfeb5f"

Video: https://melalandia.tk/s/ebq8Yf6QregnEbq

FuchtelJockel commented 3 years ago

Backup ~/.var/app/net.jami.Jami to an other folder and then delete ~/.var/app/net.jami.Jami. After that start Jami and try to import your accounts. Seems like a permission issue or corrupted files. Have you run flatpak with sudo because this would explain the broken permissions.

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

Emmm, I ran this a first time without ~/.var/app/net.jami.Jami directory existing...

The log and video I saw you is in a fresh installation in which I deleted the directory from the old installation, ran it a first time to try and the ran it the second time you ser (without deleting directory before this time).

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

In a moment, I will try again without the directory to show you.

FuchtelJockel commented 3 years ago

I deleted my net.jami.Jami folder and created new accounts imported some (encrypted and unencrypted) and couldn't trigger this bug. What shows flatpak list and have you tried flatpak repair --user or sudo flatpak repair --system?

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

First, without executing the last commands you showed:

echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ rm -rf .var/app/net.jami.Jami/
echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ flatpak run net.jami.Jami
** Message: 19:06:52.623: Jami GNOME client version: development
** Message: 19:06:52.623: git ref: f6d50ba8bd027d9d02964f0954b40275c472267b

(jami-gnome:3): dbind-WARNING **: 19:06:52.647: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[1610132813.153|    3|ringbuffer.cpp    :55   ] Create new RingBuffer audiolayer_id
[1610132813.153|    3|ringbufferpool.cpp:118  ] Ringbuffer created with id 'audiolayer_id'
[1610132813.155|    3|video_device_monitor_impl.cpp:169  ] udev enumeration failed
[1610132813.155|    3|video_device_monitor.cpp:222  ] Failed to add device /dev/video0: could not open device
[1610132813.156|    3|manager.cpp       :708  ] Not initialized
[1610132813.156|    3|manager.cpp       :708  ] Not initialized
19:06:53.156         os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.10 for POSIX initialized
[1610132813.156|    3|manager.cpp       :772  ] Using PJSIP version 2.10 for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
[1610132813.156|    3|manager.cpp       :773  ] Using GnuTLS version 3.6.14
[1610132813.157|    3|manager.cpp       :774  ] Using OpenDHT version 2.1.9
[1610132813.157|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :602  ] Using SIP nameserver:
[1610132813.157|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :602  ] Using SIP nameserver:
[1610132813.157|    3|siptransport.cpp  :191  ] SipTransportBroker@0x55d040e781a0
[1610132813.157|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :701  ] SIPVoIPLink@0x55d040ad1f80
[1610132813.157|   13|sip_utils.cpp     :252  ] Registered thread 0x7fe03f7fd030 (0x3)
[1610132813.158|    3|manager.cpp       :789  ] Configuration file path: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610132813.158|    3|manager.cpp       :2883 ] invalid node; first invalid key: "preferences": Preferences node unserialize error: 
[1610132813.158|    3|manager.cpp       :475  ] Errors while parsing /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610132813.158|    3|manager.cpp       :814  ] Restoring last working configuration
[1610132813.158|    3|manager.cpp       :2883 ] invalid node; first invalid key: "preferences": Preferences node unserialize error: 
[1610132813.158|    3|manager.cpp       :475  ] Errors while parsing /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610132813.158|    3|ringbuffer.cpp    :55   ] Create new RingBuffer urgentRingBuffer_id
[1610132813.160|    3|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610132813.161|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610132813.162|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610132813.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :145  ] Connection to PulseAudio server established
[1610132813.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :175  ] Updating PulseAudio sink list
[1610132813.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :192  ] Updating PulseAudio source list
[1610132813.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :209  ] Updating PulseAudio server infos
[1610132813.164|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :645  ] PulseAudio server info:
    Server name: pulseaudio
    Server version: 12.2
    Default Sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
    Default Source alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
    Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
    Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right

[1610132813.164|   14|audiolayer.cpp    :132  ] Hardware audio format available : {s16, 2 channels, 44100Hz} 0
[1610132813.164|   14|manager.cpp       :2632 ] Audio format changed: {s16, 1 channels, 16000Hz} -> {s16, 2 channels, 44100Hz}
Daemon is running
No accounts to migrate

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:06:53.935: gtk_scrolled_window_add: assertion 'child_widget == NULL' failed

(WebKitWebProcess:23): dbind-WARNING **: 19:06:54.185: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-WARNING **: 19:06:54.290: Theme parsing error: <data>:1:270: not a number

(jami-gnome:3): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 19:06:54.923: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:07:08.468: gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:07:27.608: gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[1610132847.608|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:197  ] Can't find a usable accelerated H265/HEVC codec, disabling.
[1610132847.608|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:232  ] Encoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610132847.608|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:233  ] Decoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610132847.609|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :311  ] Can't load proxy URL from cache: Can't check write time for: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/dummy/dhtproxy
[1610132847.609|    3|manager.cpp       :2794 ] Adding account f21ff8c7df891160
[1610132847.610|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:197  ] Can't find a usable accelerated H265/HEVC codec, disabling.
[1610132847.610|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:232  ] Encoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610132847.610|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:233  ] Decoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610132847.610|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :311  ] Can't load proxy URL from cache: Can't check write time for: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/f21ff8c7df891160/dhtproxy
[1610132847.611|   56|nat_pmp.cpp       :58   ] NAT-PMP: Initialized on gateway
[1610132847.615|   56|nat_pmp.cpp       :413  ] NAT-PMP: Can't remove all port mappings: NOGATEWAYSUPPORT
[1610132847.618|   56|nat_pmp.cpp       :413  ] NAT-PMP: Can't remove all port mappings: NOGATEWAYSUPPORT
[1610132847.665|    3|pupnp.cpp         :118  ] PUPnP: Initialiazed on
[1610132847.666|    3|account.cpp       :486  ] Couldn't find key "Account.bootstrapListUrl"
[1610132847.666|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :1086 ] [Account f21ff8c7df891160] loading account
[1610132847.666|    3|namedirectory.cpp :449  ] Could not load /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/namecache/ns.jami.net
[1610132847.666|    3|account_manager.cpp:57   ] Loading certificate from '' and key from '' at /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/f21ff8c7df891160
[1610132847.667|    3|account_manager.cpp:79   ] Error loading identity: Can't read file: 
[1610132847.668|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :829  ] Exported account to /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/f21ff8c7df891160/config.yml
[1610132847.668|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :1844 ] [Account f21ff8c7df891160] Starting account..
jami-gnome: bignum-random-prime.c:345: _nettle_generate_pocklington_prime: La declaración `bits > p0_bits' no se cumple.
[1610132847.668|    3|manager.cpp       :1733 ] Saving Configuration to XDG directory /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml

Then, executing these commands (I executed both even having Jami installed at system level):

echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ rm -rf .var/app/net.jami.Jami/
echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ flatpak repair --user
Working on the user installation at /home/echedey/.local/share/flatpak
Pruning objects
echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ sudo flatpak repair --system
[sudo] password for echedey: 
Working on the system installation at /var/lib/flatpak
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/chat.delta.desktop.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.kde.kdenlive/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.flarerpg.Flare/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.kde.Platform.Locale/x86_64/5.15…
Verifying flathub:runtime/chat.delta.desktop.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.36…
Verifying flathub:runtime/io.lbry.lbry_app.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.38…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.34…
Verifying deploy/app/chat.delta.desktop/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.gnome.Firmware/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying flathub:app/com.orama_interactive.Pixelorama/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying flathub:app/net.sourceforge.jpdftweak.jPdfTweak/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:app/com.github.tchx84.Flatseal/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/chat.delta.desktop/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/net.veloren.veloren/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/net.jami.Jami.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/net.sourceforge.VMPK/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying deploy/app/com.gitlab.kendellfab.restscope/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.opensurge2d.OpenSurge.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.orama_interactive.Pixelorama/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/io.github.antimicrox.antimicrox/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.github.Anuken.Mindustry/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:appstream2/x86_64…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.15…
Verifying deploy/runtime/net.jami.Jami.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/com.github.Anuken.Mindustry/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:app/in.p1x.TanksOfFreedom/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.kde.kdenlive.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/net.veloren.veloren/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.github.dariasteam.cowsrevenge/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/io.github.arunsivaramanneo.GPUViewer/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:app/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.jitsi.jitsi-meet/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.kde.kdenlive/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.kde.kdenlive.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.34…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.36…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.38…
Verifying deploy/app/com.github.bilelmoussaoui.Authenticator/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.opensurge2d.OpenSurge/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:app/com.jgraph.drawio.desktop/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/io.github.leonardschardijn.Chirurgien.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:app/com.gitlab.coringao.cavestory-nx/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying flathub:app/org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/io.freetubeapp.FreeTube/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/io.github.antimicrox.antimicrox/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.sauerbraten.Sauerbraten/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/net.jami.Jami/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.html5-codecs/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying flathub:app/io.lbry.lbry-app/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.html5-codecs/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying deploy/app/io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity.Client.mariadb/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.gitlab.coringao.cavestory-nx/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.apache.netbeans/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/io.github.leonardschardijn.Chirurgien.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.flarerpg.Flare/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/net.sourceforge.jpdftweak.jPdfTweak/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.github.tchx84.Flatseal/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/io.github.leonardschardijn.Chirurgien/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/jp.yvt.OpenSpades/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.15…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/app/in.p1x.TanksOfFreedom/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:app/org.gnome.Firmware/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.xonotic.Xonotic/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita/x86_64/5.15…
Verifying flathub:app/com.github.bilelmoussaoui.Authenticator/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/net.jami.Jami/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/com.jgraph.drawio.desktop/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/io.freetubeapp.FreeTube/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying flathub:app/net.sourceforge.VMPK/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.34…
Verifying flathub:app/org.opensurge2d.OpenSurge/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.36…
Verifying flathub:app/org.sauerbraten.Sauerbraten/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.38…
Verifying flathub:runtime/io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity.Client.mariadb/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/19.08…
Verifying deploy/app/org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.kde.Platform.Locale/x86_64/5.15…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.opensurge2d.OpenSurge.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/com.github.dariasteam.cowsrevenge/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/com.github.bilelmoussaoui.Authenticator.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/18.08…
Verifying deploy/app/org.apache.netbeans/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita/x86_64/5.15…
Verifying deploy/app/org.linux_hardware.hw-probe/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.34…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.36…
Verifying deploy/app/org.jitsi.jitsi-meet/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/network.loki.Session/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.38…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/2.0…
Verifying flathub:app/com.gitlab.kendellfab.restscope/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/jp.yvt.OpenSpades/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/org.xonotic.Xonotic/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.gnome.Firmware.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/2.0…
Verifying flathub:app/org.linux_hardware.hw-probe/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/app/io.lbry.lbry-app/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/network.loki.Session/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Firmware.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/io.lbry.lbry_app.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:runtime/com.github.bilelmoussaoui.Authenticator.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/app/org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse.Locale/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/io.github.leonardschardijn.Chirurgien/x86_64/stable…
Verifying deploy/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/20.08…
Verifying deploy/app/io.github.arunsivaramanneo.GPUViewer/x86_64/stable…
Verifying flathub:app/org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors/x86_64/stable…
Pruning objects
Erasing .removed
echedey@echedey-devuan-pc:~$ flatpak run net.jami.Jami
** Message: 19:17:06.051: Jami GNOME client version: development
** Message: 19:17:06.051: git ref: f6d50ba8bd027d9d02964f0954b40275c472267b

(jami-gnome:3): dbind-WARNING **: 19:17:06.121: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[1610133427.124|    3|ringbuffer.cpp    :55   ] Create new RingBuffer audiolayer_id
[1610133427.124|    3|ringbufferpool.cpp:118  ] Ringbuffer created with id 'audiolayer_id'
[1610133427.133|    3|video_device_monitor_impl.cpp:169  ] udev enumeration failed
[1610133427.137|    3|video_device_monitor.cpp:222  ] Failed to add device /dev/video0: could not open device
[1610133427.144|    3|manager.cpp       :708  ] Not initialized
[1610133427.145|    3|manager.cpp       :708  ] Not initialized
19:17:07.147         os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.10 for POSIX initialized
[1610133427.148|    3|manager.cpp       :772  ] Using PJSIP version 2.10 for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
[1610133427.148|    3|manager.cpp       :773  ] Using GnuTLS version 3.6.14
[1610133427.149|    3|manager.cpp       :774  ] Using OpenDHT version 2.1.9
[1610133427.150|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :602  ] Using SIP nameserver:
[1610133427.150|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :602  ] Using SIP nameserver:
[1610133427.151|    3|siptransport.cpp  :191  ] SipTransportBroker@0x55f2cc406ff0
[1610133427.151|    3|sipvoiplink.cpp   :701  ] SIPVoIPLink@0x55f2cc2c04f0
[1610133427.151|   13|sip_utils.cpp     :252  ] Registered thread 0x7f5b3affc030 (0x3)
[1610133427.152|    3|manager.cpp       :789  ] Configuration file path: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610133427.154|    3|manager.cpp       :2883 ] invalid node; first invalid key: "preferences": Preferences node unserialize error: 
[1610133427.154|    3|manager.cpp       :475  ] Errors while parsing /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610133427.154|    3|manager.cpp       :814  ] Restoring last working configuration
[1610133427.155|    3|manager.cpp       :2883 ] invalid node; first invalid key: "preferences": Preferences node unserialize error: 
[1610133427.155|    3|manager.cpp       :475  ] Errors while parsing /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/config/jami/dring.yml
[1610133427.155|    3|ringbuffer.cpp    :55   ] Create new RingBuffer urgentRingBuffer_id
[1610133427.161|    3|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610133427.162|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610133427.162|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :141  ] Waiting....
[1610133427.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :145  ] Connection to PulseAudio server established
[1610133427.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :175  ] Updating PulseAudio sink list
[1610133427.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :192  ] Updating PulseAudio source list
[1610133427.163|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :209  ] Updating PulseAudio server infos
[1610133427.165|   14|pulselayer.cpp    :645  ] PulseAudio server info:
    Server name: pulseaudio
    Server version: 12.2
    Default Sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
    Default Source alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
    Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
    Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right

[1610133427.165|   14|audiolayer.cpp    :132  ] Hardware audio format available : {s16, 2 channels, 44100Hz} 0
[1610133427.165|   14|manager.cpp       :2632 ] Audio format changed: {s16, 1 channels, 16000Hz} -> {s16, 2 channels, 44100Hz}
Daemon is running
No accounts to migrate

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:17:07.967: gtk_scrolled_window_add: assertion 'child_widget == NULL' failed

(WebKitWebProcess:23): dbind-WARNING **: 19:17:08.365: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-WARNING **: 19:17:08.428: Theme parsing error: <data>:1:270: not a number

(jami-gnome:3): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 19:17:09.047: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:17:19.689: gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed

(jami-gnome:3): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 19:17:35.991: gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[1610133455.994|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:197  ] Can't find a usable accelerated H265/HEVC codec, disabling.
[1610133455.995|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:232  ] Encoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610133455.995|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:233  ] Decoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610133455.997|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :311  ] Can't load proxy URL from cache: Can't check write time for: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/dummy/dhtproxy
[1610133455.999|    3|manager.cpp       :2794 ] Adding account 4f6d15f057d9205d
[1610133455.999|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:197  ] Can't find a usable accelerated H265/HEVC codec, disabling.
[1610133455.999|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:232  ] Encoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610133455.999|    3|system_codec_container.cpp:233  ] Decoders found: H264 VP8 MP4V-ES H263-1998 opus G722 speex speex speex PCMA PCMU 
[1610133456.000|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :311  ] Can't load proxy URL from cache: Can't check write time for: /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/4f6d15f057d9205d/dhtproxy
[1610133456.001|   58|nat_pmp.cpp       :58   ] NAT-PMP: Initialized on gateway
[1610133456.006|   58|nat_pmp.cpp       :413  ] NAT-PMP: Can't remove all port mappings: NOGATEWAYSUPPORT
[1610133456.008|    3|pupnp.cpp         :118  ] PUPnP: Initialiazed on
[1610133456.008|    3|account.cpp       :486  ] Couldn't find key "Account.bootstrapListUrl"
[1610133456.009|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :1086 ] [Account 4f6d15f057d9205d] loading account
[1610133456.010|   58|nat_pmp.cpp       :413  ] NAT-PMP: Can't remove all port mappings: NOGATEWAYSUPPORT
[1610133456.011|    3|namedirectory.cpp :449  ] Could not load /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/cache/namecache/ns.jami.net
[1610133456.011|    3|account_manager.cpp:57   ] Loading certificate from '' and key from '' at /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/4f6d15f057d9205d
[1610133456.012|    3|account_manager.cpp:79   ] Error loading identity: Can't read file: 
[1610133456.013|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :829  ] Exported account to /home/echedey/.var/app/net.jami.Jami/data/jami/4f6d15f057d9205d/config.yml
[1610133456.013|   71|archive_account_manager.cpp:185  ] [Auth] loading archive from: /home/echedey/Documentos/Disroot/Identidades/Claves/Jami/Echedey López Romero.gz
[1610133456.013|   71|fileutils.cpp     :460  ] Reading archive from /home/echedey/Documentos/Disroot/Identidades/Claves/Jami/Echedey López Romero.gz
[1610133456.013|    3|jamiaccount.cpp   :1844 ] [Account 4f6d15f057d9205d] Starting account..
EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

I forgot flatpak list which list all the packages installed:

Delta Chat - Delta Chat email-based messenger   chat.delta.desktop  v1.14.1 stable  x86_64  flathub system
Mindustry - Mindustry: A sandbox tower-defense game com.github.Anuken.Mindustry v122.1  stable  x86_64  flathub system
Authenticator - A Two-Factor Authentication application com.github.bilelmoussaoui.Authenticator 3.32.2  stable  x86_64  flathub system
Cow's Revenge - Juego de plataformas indie con estética pixel art   com.github.dariasteam.cowsrevenge   1.3 stable  x86_64  flathub system
Flatseal - Un administrador de permisos para Flatpak    com.github.tchx84.Flatseal  1.6.6   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Cave Story NX - A nostalgic side-action adventure game  com.gitlab.coringao.cavestory-nx    1.3.0   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Rest Scope - A simple http/rest testing tool built with D and GtkD. com.gitlab.kendellfab.restscope 0.35    stable  x86_64  flathub system
draw.io - Crea y comparte diagramas com.jgraph.drawio.desktop   13.7.9  stable  x86_64  flathub system
Pixelorama - 2D sprite editor with animation support    com.orama_interactive.Pixelorama    0.8.1   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Shattered Pixel Dungeon - Roguelike RPG, with pixel art graphics and lots of variety and replayability  com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon    0.9.1   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Tanks of Freedom - Indie Turn Based Strategy in Isometric Pixel Art in.p1x.TanksOfFreedom   0.7.0-beta  stable  x86_64  flathub system
DBeaver Community - Universal Database Manager. io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity 7.3.2   stable  x86_64  flathub system
MariaDB Client - MariaDB client for DBeaver Community   io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity.Client.mariadb      stable  x86_64  flathub system
FreeTube - An Open Source YouTube app for privacy   io.freetubeapp.FreeTube 0.10.0 Beta stable  x86_64  flathub system
AntiMicroX - Graphical program used to map gamepad buttons to keyboard, mouse, scripts and macros.  io.github.antimicrox.antimicrox 3.1.1   stable  x86_64  flathub system
GPU-Viewer - A front-end to glxinfo, vulkaninfo, clinfo and es2_info    io.github.arunsivaramanneo.GPUViewer    1.15    stable  x86_64  flathub system
Chirurgien - Understand file formats    io.github.leonardschardijn.Chirurgien   0.3 stable  x86_64  flathub system
LBRY - A browser and wallet for LBRY, the decentralized, user-controlled content marketplace.   io.lbry.lbry-app    0.49.3  stable  x86_64  flathub system
OpenSpades - Open Source voxel shooter  jp.yvt.OpenSpades   0.1.3   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Jami - Privacy oriented voice, video and chat platform. net.jami.Jami   20210104.1.f6d50ba8 stable  x86_64  flathub system
VMPK - Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard: a MIDI events generator and receiver    net.sourceforge.VMPK    0.8.0   stable  x86_64  flathub system
jPDF Tweak - Swiss Army Knife for PDF files net.sourceforge.jpdftweak.jPdfTweak 1.1 stable  x86_64  flathub system
Veloren - Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. It is inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft.    net.veloren.veloren 0.8.0-1d55dbd   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Session Desktop - Private messenger network.loki.Session    1.4.4   stable  x86_64  flathub system
NetBeans - NetBeans - Apache Java IDE. Fits the Pieces Together org.apache.netbeans 12.2    stable  x86_64  flathub system
Flare: Empyrean Campaign - A single player, 2D-isometric, action Role-Playing Game  org.flarerpg.Flare  1.0 stable  x86_64  flathub system
SWH - SWH LADSPA and LV2 plugins    org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh  0.4.17  20.08   x86_64  flathub system
Freedesktop Platform - Shared libraries org.freedesktop.Platform    18.08.39    18.08   x86_64  flathub system
Freedesktop Platform - Shared libraries org.freedesktop.Platform    19.08.12    19.08   x86_64  flathub system
Freedesktop Platform - Shared libraries org.freedesktop.Platform    20.08.3 20.08   x86_64  flathub system
default org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default     19.08   x86_64  flathub system
default org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default     20.08   x86_64  flathub system
Intel   org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel        18.08   x86_64  flathub system
Intel   org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel        19.08   x86_64  flathub system
Intel   org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel        20.08   x86_64  flathub system
ffmpeg-full org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full        20.08   x86_64  flathub system
html5-codecs    org.freedesktop.Platform.html5-codecs       18.08   x86_64  flathub system
openh264 - OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264   2.1.0   2.0 x86_64  flathub system
Freedesktop SDK - Tools and headers for developing applications org.freedesktop.Sdk 19.08.12    19.08   x86_64  flathub system
Freedesktop SDK - Tools and headers for developing applications org.freedesktop.Sdk 20.08.3 20.08   x86_64  flathub system
Glimpse - Cree imágenes y edite fotografías org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse  0.2.0   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Firmware - Install firmware on devices  org.gnome.Firmware  3.36.0  stable  x86_64  flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 3.34 - Shared libraries used by GNOME applications   org.gnome.Platform      3.34    x86_64  flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 3.36 - Shared libraries used by GNOME applications   org.gnome.Platform      3.36    x86_64  flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 3.38 - Shared libraries used by GNOME applications   org.gnome.Platform      3.38    x86_64  flathub system
Jitsi Meet - Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences org.jitsi.jitsi-meet    2.4.2   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Adwaita theme - Adwaita widget theme matching the GNOME adwaita theme   org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita      5.15    x86_64  flathub system
KDE Application Platform - Shared libraries used by KDE applications    org.kde.Platform        5.15    x86_64  flathub system
Kdenlive - Editor de video  org.kde.kdenlive    20.12.0 stable  x86_64  flathub system
Hardware Probe - Check operability of computer hardware and find drivers    org.linux_hardware.hw-probe 1.5 stable  x86_64  flathub system
Nicotine+ - Graphical client for the Soulseek file sharing network  org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine  2.2.2   stable  x86_64  flathub system
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors - Office productivity suite  org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors   6.1.0   stable  x86_64  flathub system
Open Surge - A fun 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games and a game creation system   org.opensurge2d.OpenSurge stable  x86_64  flathub system
Sauerbraten - Free multiplayer & singleplayer first person shooter, the successor of the Cube FPS   org.sauerbraten.Sauerbraten 2020_11_29  stable  x86_64  flathub system
Xonotic - Multiplayer, deathmatch oriented first person shooter org.xonotic.Xonotic 0.8.2   stable  x86_64  flathub system
FuchtelJockel commented 3 years ago

I thought you might have mixed system/user installation but everything seems ok. You have a entire flathub mirror on there :D

Maybe compare your permissions with mine but I don't know how else to help. permissions.txt

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

Maybe compare your permissions with mine but I don't know how else to help. permissions.txt

You already helped me a lot, thank you. I will check the permissions as you pointed.

To be exact I should be apologizing for reporting here instead of another issue after was found in the logs that was not related ^^;.

Nokia808 commented 3 years ago

@FuchtelJockel Hi. I would like to re-test this issue again with new version that has working camera, but unfortunately no one use Jami in Iraq from peoples that I know ! I'm, currently, using it with my wife. Previously one of my friends use it after I instruct it to use it & at that time I discovered this bug when I tried to add his ID. Now this friend stop from using Jami & I have no one help me to test it.

Can you create a test Jami ID, then post it here (public part), so that I can add it on my list to test if this will crash application or not ?

FuchtelJockel commented 3 years ago

ID: 21ce11f067f1efdeb33c2b0215e351348022868e

Nokia808 commented 3 years ago

@FuchtelJockel Issue resolved ! I will closed this ticket. Thank you for your great work !