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DPI scaling is through the roof #1

Open brittyazel opened 5 years ago

brittyazel commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2018-09-14 14-35-41

On a new install the scaling seems to be WAY overboard. I'm using a 1080p screen and the window was so big I couldn't even see the window frames. And this is a screenshot when I open up a new document

jurf commented 5 years ago

Woah, OK. I saw this bug once before, but we couldn’t figure out what it was. We need to disable this.

Did you overriding the theme in the settings?

brittyazel commented 5 years ago

Nope, and in the settings it's the same no matter if I choose adwaita, breeze, windows, whatev. It's all the same

jurf commented 5 years ago

This any of this help? If yeah, please post what, I’ll add it by default.

brittyazel commented 5 years ago

from what I tried, none of that did anything. None of it seemed to do anything to any of my QT5 apps either. I dunno. All of my QT apps look fine but this one

jurf commented 5 years ago

I have to go now (for the night), but I’d like to get this fixed ASAP. I’d really appreciate it if you’d ask over on #scribus on Freenode if you have the time.

jurf commented 5 years ago

Did you try this also?

If you manually set the screen factor, it is important to set QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 otherwise some applications which explicitly force high DPI enabling get scaled twice.

Looks it this could be the case.

jurf commented 5 years ago

Upstream forum post: http://forums.scribus.net/index.php/topic,3063.msg14249.html

jurf commented 5 years ago

When, on IRC, playing around with QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS seemed to produce some results, you could try that. You can try setting it to 2, looks like the default is 3.

jurf commented 5 years ago

And we now have an upstream issue too: https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=15425

brittyazel commented 5 years ago

I did try those yes. Unless I'm doing it wrong. How do you set the environment variable at runtime? I tried putting the variable (sans the 'export') in my /etc/environment and it stopped me from being able to boot my laptop, so instead I was just executing the export commands from in a bash prompt. I'm not sure if this is how to do it

jurf commented 5 years ago

You can just try env QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=2 flatpak run net.scribus.Scribus, or flatpak run --env=QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=2 net.scribus.Scribus.

brittyazel commented 5 years ago

Ok that worked! Setting it to QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=2 didn't change anything, but changing it to QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1 made it look perfect. So it seems for some reason it's defaulting to 200% scaling, which is wrong

nedrichards commented 5 years ago

You should bring this up to the Qt and KDE Runtime people as well if hidpi detection is generally wrong.

jurf commented 5 years ago

@nedrichards I don’t think HiDPI detection is generally wrong, this looks like just a Scribus issue.

nedrichards commented 5 years ago

@jurf I think we've seen people reporting similar things in VLC fwiw but good news if it's just Scribus.

jurf commented 5 years ago

@nedrichards dunno, but this issue was documented in Scribus before the first Flatpak, so it’s probably not Flatpak specific. Though please do post back if you see this elsewhere.

jurf commented 5 years ago

New upstream issue: https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=14335

eszlari commented 4 years ago

This works here (200%) with the current version.