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pip missing in Freecad 0.20 flatpak builds #88

Closed AmeyaPatwardhan closed 2 years ago

AmeyaPatwardhan commented 2 years ago

Unable to install Assembly3 in Freecad 0.20 (Flatpak) on Ubuntu 20.04

Upon using the addon manager-> Assembly3->Install, and clicking yes to install the python dependencies (py-slvs) the following message pops up:

Failed to execute pip, which may be missing from your Python installation. Please ensure your system has pip installed and try again. The failed command was:

/usr/bin/python3 -m pip --version

Continue with installation of Assembly3 anyway?

Freecad version: FreeCAD - An open source parametric 3D CAD modeler

ID: org.freecadweb.FreeCAD Ref: app/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD/x86_64/stable Arch: x86_64 Branch: stable Version: License: LGPL-2.1 Origin: flathub Collection: org.flathub.Stable Installation: user Installed: 1.0 GB Runtime: org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.15-21.08 Sdk: org.kde.Sdk/x86_64/5.15-21.08

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

And where would pip install things?

We could add pv-slvs to the flatpak, but there is no source package on pypi available.

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

IMHO the workbench should bundle it and not depend on "system wide" installation. (it's not the only one that require external python modules)

luzpaz commented 2 years ago

Just CCing @realthunder on this as well so it's on his radar.

realthunder commented 2 years ago

py-slvs cannot by bundled because of licensing issue. Using system pip will only work if the system Python is compatible with the one used to build FreeCAD. So I think the problem should be fixed by bundling pip into FreeCAD build.

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

I couldn't find a source distribution on pypi.

And what is the licensing problem you are mentioning, because if you can bundle it, I don't think we can either.

realthunder commented 2 years ago

The pipy package home links to the repo. It is licensed under GPL, while FreeCAD is LGPL. I don't mean to bundle py-slvs. I mean to bundle pip itself, which is what I assume what's missing here. py-slvs will be installed on demand by user explicitly.

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

So I will reiterate the question https://github.com/flathub/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD/issues/88#issuecomment-1179136571: where will pip install this module?

Just to clarify. The file system is READ ONLY inside the sandbox.

And my armchair analysis of licensing is that if you can't bundle py_slvs with your workbench, then surely we can't with the Flatpak.

realthunder commented 2 years ago

I am not sure how flatpak works. For snap, it will store common data associated with a particular app in ~/snap/<app_name>/common directory. For user installed pip package, it will be installed in ~/snap/<app_name>/common/.local/lib/python<version>/site-packages.

adrianinsaval commented 2 years ago

I think the add-on manager uses a freecad specific directory for pip packages, if I'm not mistaken they are installed somewhere in $XDG_DATA_HOME which should available to write for the flatpak. @chennes would know better about this

tinywrkb commented 2 years ago

@AmeyaPatwardhan maybe try this with the adjustments for the FreeCAD app. You will need to override the PATH environment var and set it to /app/bin:/usr/bin:/var/data/python/bin.

AmeyaPatwardhan commented 2 years ago

@tinywrkb tried using the suggested approach. I could not get it to work. However, this may be because of my lack of knowledge of flatpak environment variables, chroot etc. Is there any way to create a python virtual environment and simply add this to the flatpak path?

chennes commented 2 years ago

The Addon Manager installs Python dependencies in a directory immediately adjacent to the Mod directory itself, called AdditionalPythonPackages. If you have write permissions to install mods, you have write permissions to install Python packages in that location. It does depend on the version of Python that is used by the FreeCAD installation having pip, however. We ship it with the Windows installation, for example. There is also a configuration variable in the Addon Manager preferences where you can set the path to that Python executable, so I suppose a possible workaround is to set that path to your system's Python and see if it will install the library you need.

tinywrkb commented 2 years ago

@AmeyaPatwardhan it works fine for me over here. I suggest that you wait for pip to be bundled with this Flatpak, but if really want to try, then it's pretty easy.