flathub / org.fritzing.Fritzing

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Fritzing is unable to check for--and update--new parts #1

Closed mMerlin closed 7 months ago

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

environment 4.18.16-100.fc27.x86_64 ¦ Fedora 27 Fritzing: 0.9.3 b5c8959

Fritzing installed from flatpak, even with --user, is unable to update the parts library. The installation does not have write permissions to the parts folder.

$ flatpak list
Ref                                             Options     
org.fritzing.Fritzing/x86_64/stable             user,current
org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/1.6 user,runtime
org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg/x86_64/1.6      user,runtime
org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita/x86_64/5.9               user,runtime
org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.9                     user,runtime

$ flatpak info org.fritzing.Fritzing
Ref: app/org.fritzing.Fritzing/x86_64/stable
ID: org.fritzing.Fritzing
Arch: x86_64
Branch: stable
Origin: flathub
Collection ID: org.flathub.Stable
Date: 2018-09-14 16:02:15 +0000
Subject: Build only boost graph lib (4069ad23)
Commit: 7627c7937375f9ae58bb7e29b777b18f991f1e3255f97bc56a99f59b0b077d22
Parent: 27de6047fb217314b155f2293a66e2641ca207470af0559ae373024280d51bb8
Location: /home/phil/.local/share/flatpak/app/org.fritzing.Fritzing/x86_64/stable/7627c7937375f9ae58bb7e29b777b18f991f1e3255f97bc56a99f59b0b077d22
Installed size: 160.8 MB
Runtime: org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.9
Sdk: org.kde.Sdk/x86_64/5.9

$ flatpak run org.fritzing.Fritzing

Fritzing ¦ Help ¦ About

Fritzing ¦ Help ¦ Check for updates

Fritzing is unable to check for--and update--new parts.
If you want this functionality, please enable write permission on this folder:

Checking the current file access permissions, it appears that the user does have write permissions. What user is attempting to do the check and update?

ls .local/share/flatpak/app/org.fritzing.Fritzing/x86_64/stable/7627c7937375f9ae58bb7e29b777b18f991f1e3255f97bc56a99f59b0b077d22/files/share/fritzing/      
help  parts  sketches  translations
[phil@lybica]~% ls -ls .local/share/flatpak/app/org.fritzing.Fritzing/x86_64/stable/7627c7937375f9ae58bb7e29b777b18f991f1e3255f97bc56a99f59b0b077d22/files/share/fritzing/
total 16
4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 phil phil 4096 Dec 31  1969 help
4 drwxr-xr-x. 9 phil phil 4096 Dec 31  1969 parts
4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 phil phil 4096 Dec 31  1969 sketches
4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 phil phil 4096 Dec 31  1969 translations
[phil@lybica]~% ls -ls .local/share/flatpak/app/org.fritzing.Fritzing/x86_64/stable/7627c7937375f9ae58bb7e29b777b18f991f1e3255f97bc56a99f59b0b077d22/files/share/fritzing/parts 
total 148
 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 phil phil  4096 Dec 31  1969 bins
 4 drwxr-xr-x. 2 phil phil  4096 Dec 31  1969 contrib
 4 -rw-r--r--. 2 phil phil  2850 Dec 31  1969 CONTRIBUTING.md
96 drwxr-xr-x. 2 phil phil 98304 Dec 31  1969 core
 4 -rw-r--r--. 7 phil phil   453 Dec 31  1969 LICENSE.txt
20 drwxr-xr-x. 2 phil phil 20480 Dec 31  1969 obsolete
 4 -rw-r--r--. 2 phil phil   902 Dec 31  1969 README.md
 4 drwxr-xr-x. 2 phil phil  4096 Dec 31  1969 scripts
 4 drwxr-xr-x. 6 phil phil  4096 Dec 31  1969 svg
 4 drwxr-xr-x. 2 phil phil  4096 Dec 31  1969 user

Same error seen when using install --system. That made more sense, since the running user does not automatically have root access.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

This is expected behavior. Flatpak mounts the app bundle read-only, and Fritzing parts are packaged within the bundle. Maybe self-updates shoud be disabled at compile-time, if possible.

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

The parts library is bundled, but it is supposed to be tied to the git repository. Updates to the library (data) should not be limited to a new version of the application. Probably do not want a full library update either, when a simple git pull (equivalent) is all that is really needed.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

Fritzing parts are installed in a system-wide prefix (either /usr in distro packages or /app in flatpak) and are not intended to be writable by user. And, as far as I know, parts version is somehow tied to Fritzing's version. Maybe it can use 3rd-party parts from user's `/home'?

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

When installed with --user the user should have write access to the app and its data. No, the parts version is not tied to the app version. The parts library is effectively a data base, and can be updated separately. I have been doing that previously with a custom local build of Fritzing 0.9.3b (back on fc24). When setup 'right', a git pull will get library updates without touching the app itself. Without flatpak, parts added by the user get stored in the same folder structure.

I just continued my testing. Likely for the same reason, it is not possible to load new parts. Attempting to open an fzpz file gives error Unable to open shareable part '/run/user/1000/doc/«hexfolder»/«filename».fzpx': zip.open(): %d. The console shows:

QString::arg: Argument missing: "zip.open(): %d" , -1000
"zip.open(): %d"
TingPing commented 5 years ago

Flatpak restricts permissions beyond what your user can do. You cannot write to /app in the sandbox, ever.

The plan is for the portals to expose a way to request updating the Flatpak on the host. Until then applications can currently detect when they got updated and restart themselves but not update themselves.

It is very questionable to want to bypass all tooling and update yourself but if you need to do that today you just write to your directory $XDG_DATA_HOME or something.

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

Looks like Fritzing is going to need some sort of structure change to fully work with flatpak then. As is, it is not possible to import custom parts. Because of where the information gets stored.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

@mMerlin The default parts library is installed along with the app itself, to a location which is not intended to be writable. In case of distro packages, like debian's or fedora's, it's installed in /usr/share/fritzing/parts. Normal user shouldn't be able to update it.

TingPing commented 5 years ago

Flatpak extensions can be mounted into /app though (but will still likely require minor patches for path changes): https://blog.tingping.se/2018/03/18/flatpaking-plugins.html

(Admittedly I don't know what parts are and if that makes sense)

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

Parts library: electronic parts: transistors, resistors, capacitors, as base, but also including full boards like arduino, raspberry pi. In application context, new parts can be defined and added at any time. Parts library is really a database, but it is stored as individual files (svg, xml, zip) in a directory structure. The library also includes 'bins', which parts can be added to, to collect commonly related parts for easy access during design work.

Does flatpak support the idea of a database that the application updates during execution? More than just a config file. Current Fritzing implementation stores the parts in nested sub-folders where the application executable exists. I don't know about implementation details, but conceptually it should be easy to move that some place else. Which would probably let flatpak allow write access to it.

TingPing commented 5 years ago

Does flatpak support the idea of a database that the application updates during execution?

That really sounds like it should go into $XDG_DATA_HOME/fritzing/parts if Fritzing is managing the data.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

Well, we can make /app/share/fritzing/parts a symlink to a user-writable location, e.g. /var/data/fritzing/parts, and add a wrapper which would set things up before app launch, but I doubt it's a good idea. Does the self-update work in distro packages? Can Fritzing use multiple locations to load parts from?

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

When I looked (a very little) at the code a year ago, the distro package for Fedora was 0.9.2. That version did not do library updates. What I read (forums) said the updates were working with the newer version.

What I remember says that the current version of the code uses a single location, and that it is not settable by the user. Built into the code. The symlink might not be a good idea, but if it works, Fritzing (flatpak) might become usable. As is, it is only a toy. No library updates, no imported parts, no custom parts. At least not without going under the hood, and bypassing the security that flatpak is intended to enforce.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

no imported parts, no custom parts

Actually, you can use imported parts, they are saved to ~/Documents/Fritzing/parts/user. Also, I guess it's same for custom parts, didn't use them.

updates were working with the newer version

It's likely related not to the app version, but to how the app is installed. Updates within a standalone binary, stored somewhere in your /home, would work, and for a system package they wouldn't.

mMerlin commented 5 years ago

Actually, you can use imported parts, they are saved to ~/Documents/Fritzing/parts/user. Also, I guess it's same for custom parts, didn't use them.

Correct. I had an error in my test steps. Import works.

updates were working with the newer version

It's likely related not to the app version, but to how the app is installed.

My information is that the 0.9.2 version of the app did not have the capability to do library updates. That was added in 0.9.3. Which was why I could not verify that the standard distro install could do updates. The distro I was using only installed 0.9.2.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

If parts are installed to a system directory, it's assumed that they are not manageable by the app. Otherwise, Fritzing should look for parts somwhere in $XDG_DATA_HOME and not in it's installation prefix. So I consider this correct behavior.

Probably, we could split the parts library to an extension, so they could be updated separately from Fritzing itself.

gasinvein commented 4 years ago

Fritzing now (0.9.4) supports --parts path argument for specifying path to the parts repository. Once #7 is merged, I'll also add a wrapper so that users could override part repo path to their own.

KjellMorgenstern commented 7 months ago

The Fritzing code that handles these updates isn't very robust. A problematic push to the fritzing-parts repo could damage all Fritzings that check for these updates. It has been a source for many support requests and errors.

Therefore we don't use the fritzing-parts master branch anymore (could still damage some old Fritzing installs). Also, automatic parts update via git is disabled in all recent versions.

The git feature can still be used manually (with the --parts option) for working with custom parts repos.