flathub / org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse

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Mark as EOL #7

Open svin24 opened 2 years ago

svin24 commented 2 years ago

Considering development of glimpse has stopped shouldn't this package be marked as EOL?

TrechNex commented 2 years ago

As the app still works, is sandboxed from the system, and is based on GNU Image Manipulation Program 2.10.18 (the same version distributed through apt for distributions based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), my suggestion as the original creator would be to deprecate it when you stop supporting GNOME Platform SDK v3.38.

There is an open issue for upgrading it to a newer GNOME runtime (#6), but in practice you would need to upgrade tarball package dependencies and patch the source code to get that to work properly after it's built. I'm barred from doing that without my employer's permission, and the people I left in charge of the project have moved on to other things.

Blog post I wrote in May 2021 for reference: https://glimpse-editor.org/posts/a-project-on-hiatus/

TrechNex commented 1 year ago

As a heads up, Glimpse is now being removed from the Snap Store: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/remove-glimpse-editor/33581

I think it makes logical sense that Glimpse is removed from Flathub now as well. If anyone wants to install it, they can still download the flatpak files directly from https://github.com/glimpse-editor/Glimpse/releases/tag/v0.2.0

Edit: I have closed #6 on the grounds that it is no longer necessary given this software has not been actively maintained for a long time now.

TrechNex commented 1 year ago

cc @BrainBlasted and @bochecha in case they know who the correct person to notify about this is.

mbridon commented 1 year ago

Hi, I used to be @bochecha in another life but had to change my Github account (don't ask).

I have no idea who to ping to remove Glimpse from Flathub, maybe @barthalion has an idea? 🤷