Run Dolphin and try to access some of the system folders.
Actual result
The flatpak version of Konsole sees the following folders in "/": bin boot dev etc home initrd.img initrd.img.old lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz vmlinuz.old
The flatpak version of Dolphin sees the following folders in "/": app bin dev etc home lib lib64 media proc run sbin sys tmp usr var
Giving additional permissions from Flatseal to Dolphin does not solve this problem. Also I have no idea what is this app folder which Dolphin sees and Konsole does not...
Expected result
Konsole and Dolphin should show the same result for every folder in the file system.
Step to reproduce
Run Dolphin and try to access some of the system folders.
Actual result
The flatpak version of Konsole sees the following folders in "/": bin boot dev etc home initrd.img initrd.img.old lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz vmlinuz.old The flatpak version of Dolphin sees the following folders in "/": app bin dev etc home lib lib64 media proc run sbin sys tmp usr var
Giving additional permissions from Flatseal to Dolphin does not solve this problem. Also I have no idea what is this app folder which Dolphin sees and Konsole does not...
Expected result
Konsole and Dolphin should show the same result for every folder in the file system.
Flatpak 1.14.4 Dolphin 23.08.4 Konsole 23.08.4