Closed nirvinm closed 4 years ago
At first I tried and failed to reproduce this on Arch Linux / GNOME 3.34.0 (Xorg session). However since this is theming related I then tried to uninstall org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform//5.13 and bingo!
So depending on if your session uses Xorg or Wayland I have to ask, is the 5.13 branch of the relevant platform theme installed?
It should have been installed automatically with the update, but if it didn't try installing it manually.
Both the packages are installed. I'm on X11 due to issues with Nvidia and Wayland.
Well in that case I have no clue about the cause. Does the issue persist if you downgrade to the previous flatpak commit?
flatpak update --commit=bc774e2dfad7945122548b7b7c7517f97fd8233551b106f9a9bd83a39db5198e org.keepassxc.KeePassXC
It shouldn't since it reverses the update.
You may also try asking on the #flatpak IRC channel at Freenode.
Version 2.6.0 includes a new built-in dark theme that can be manually set. Automatic detection doesn't seem to work, but at least now it is possible to workaround this issue. So I will be closing this when 2.6.0 is available.
What does the "Automatic" option do anyway? does it look for a specific env var? or maybe a gsetting? I'm using a custom desktop (AwesomeWM) and I have used several hacks from several posts across the internet, but nothing seems to make KeepassXC correctly determine whether it has to use the "dark" theme:
# Merge xresources if the file exists
if [ -f ~/.Xresources ]; then
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
# Theme properties
xprop -f _GTK_THEME_VARIANT 8u -set _GTK_THEME_VARIANT "dark"
export GTK_THEME=:dark
export GTK_THEME_VARIANT="dark"
# Some tips from here:
Until my last update, Flatpak-ed KeePassXC respected the system theme (Light/Dark). The current version ignores the setting and always launches the app in light theme.
Environment: Fedora Workstation 30 / GNOME v3.32.2