flathub / org.mixxx.Mixxx

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Issue #19 - Add support for JACK with pipewire #31

Closed hfiguiere closed 2 years ago

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

Closes #19

(need testing)

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55070

Be-ing commented 2 years ago

This requires updating PortAudio to 19.7.

Be-ing commented 2 years ago

--filesystem=xdg-music:ro Mixxx can optionally write edits to metadata tags to music files. Doesn't this prevent that?

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55071

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

--filesystem=xdg-music:ro Mixxx can optionally write edits to metadata tags to music files. Doesn't this prevent that?

Yeah but that's not my package. So I don't know the initial rationale. (I'd be ok with that)

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55072

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55070 failed

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55075

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55072 was cancelled

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55071 failed

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55075 was cancelled

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55076

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55076 was cancelled

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55077

hfiguiere commented 2 years ago

This is what happens when I don't build locally. This one should work.

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55077 failed

Be-ing commented 2 years ago

Please use https://mixxx.org/theme/images/2.3/screenshots/latenight-palemoon-3840x2160.png for the screenshot.

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Started test build 55139

flathubbot commented 2 years ago

Build 55139 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/53082/org.mixxx.Mixxx.flatpakref