flathub / org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher

7 stars 11 forks source link

Application doesn't open #59

Closed loganmc10 closed 2 months ago

loganmc10 commented 2 months ago

After updating, the application no longer opens on my computer (Fedora 39). It used to work, here is the log:

loganmc10@fedoralogan:~$ flatpak run org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher 
QGuiApplication::setDesktopFileName: the specified desktop file name ends with .desktop. For compatibility reasons, the .desktop suffix will be removed. Please specify a desktop file name without .desktop suffix
     0.000 D | Testing "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/qtlogging.ini" ...
     0.000 D | Testing "/app/share/PrismLauncher/qtlogging.ini" ...
     0.000 D | Loading logging rules from: "/app/share/PrismLauncher/qtlogging.ini"
     0.000 D | Setting log rules:
     0.000 D |      "*.debug=true"
     0.000 D |      "katabasis.*.debug=false"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.auth.credentials.debug=false"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.task=false"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.task.net=true"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.task.net.download.debug=false"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.task.net.metacache=false"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.task.net.metacache.http=true"
     0.000 D |      "launcher.task.net.upload=true"
     0.000 D |      "qt.*.debug=false"
     0.000 D | <> Log initialized.
     0.000 D | <> No migration needed from "PolyMC"
     0.000 D | <> No migration needed from "MultiMC"
     0.000 D | Prism Launcher, © 2022-2024 Prism Launcher Contributors, © 2021-2022 PolyMC Contributors, © 2012-2021 MultiMC Contributors
     0.000 D | Version                    :  "8.3"
     0.000 D | Platform                   :  "flatpak"
     0.000 D | Git commit                 :  ""
     0.000 D | Git refspec                :  "refs/heads/stable"
     0.000 D | Compiled for               :  "Linux 5.15.0-47-generic x86_64"
     0.000 D | Compiled by                :  "GNU - 13.2.0"
     0.001 D | Build Artifact             :  ""
     0.001 D | Updates Enabled           :  No
     0.001 D | Work dir before adjustment :  "/var/home/loganmc10"
     0.001 D | Work dir after adjustment  :  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher"
     0.001 D | Adjusted by                :  "Persistent data path"
     0.001 D | Binary path                :  "/app/bin"
     0.001 D | Application root path      :  "/app"
     0.001 D | <> Paths set.
     0.002 D | Detected default console font: "DejaVu Sans Mono" , substitutions: ""
     0.008 D | <> Settings loaded.
     0.008 D | Detecting proxy settings...
     0.008 D | Using no proxy is an option!
     0.008 D | <> Network done.
     0.009 D | Loading Qt Language File for en_CA ...
     0.009 C | Loading Qt Language File failed.
     0.009 D | Loading Application Language File for en_CA ...
     0.009 D | Your language is "en_CA"
     0.009 D | <> Translations loaded.
     0.010 D | Started watching  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/icons"
     0.010 D | Sorting icon list...
     0.010 D | <> Instance icons intialized.
     0.010 D | [Theme] <> Initializing Icon Themes
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "pe_colored"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "pe_light"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "pe_dark"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "pe_blue"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "breeze_light"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "breeze_dark"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "OSX"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "iOS"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "flat"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "flat_white"
     0.010 D | [Theme] Loaded Built-In Icon Theme "multimc"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Icon Theme Folder Path:  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/iconthemes"
     0.011 D | [Theme] <> Icon themes initialized.
     0.011 D | [Theme] <> Initializing Widget Themes
     0.011 D | [Theme] Determining System Theme...
     0.011 D | [Theme] System theme seems to be: "fusion"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Considering theme from theme factory: "breeze"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Considering theme from theme factory: "windows"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Considering theme from theme factory: "fusion"
     0.011 D | [Theme] System theme has been determined to be: "Fusion"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Loading Built-in Theme: "system"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Loading Built-in Theme: "dark"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Loading Built-in Theme: "bright"
     0.011 D | [Theme] Theme Folder Path:  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/themes"
     0.011 D | [Theme] <> Widget themes initialized.
     0.011 D | [Theme] CatPacks Folder Path: "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/catpacks"
     0.018 D | Instance path              :  "instances"
     0.018 D | Loading Instances...
     0.018 D | Discovering instances in "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "gRAVITY"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "1.20.4"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "Dragon Mod"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "Weapons"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "MorphMod"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "Pokemon"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "Hearts-"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "1.20.2"
     0.018 D | Found instance ID "Avatar"
     0.018 D | Will load group list now.
     0.018 D | Group list loaded.
     0.018 D | Loaded instance  "gRAVITY"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/gRAVITY"
     0.018 D | Loaded instance  "1.20.4 (McNaughton)"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/1.20.4"
     0.019 D | Loaded instance  "Dragon Mod"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/Dragon Mod"
     0.019 D | Loaded instance  "Weapons"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/Weapons"
     0.019 D | Loaded instance  "MorphMod"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/MorphMod"
     0.020 D | Loaded instance  "Pokemon"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/Pokemon"
     0.020 D | Loaded instance  "Hearts!"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/Hearts-"
     0.020 D | Loaded instance  "1.20.2"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/1.20.2"
     0.020 D | Loaded instance  "Avatar"  from  "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/instances/Avatar"
     0.020 D | <> Instances loaded.
     0.020 D | Loading accounts...
     0.021 D | AccountList: Queued default account with internal ID  "****"  to refresh first
     0.021 D | AuthFlow: "Logging in with Microsoft account."
     0.021 D | DeviceFlow::refresh: Token: ... "****"
     0.024 D | RefreshSchedule: Processing account  "****"  with internal ID  "****"
     0.024 D | <> Accounts loaded.
     0.027 D | <> Cache initialized.
     0.027 D | Downloading Translations Index...
     0.030 C | dlopen() failed: libopenal.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
     0.030 D | Detected native libraries: "/app/lib/libglfw.so" ""
     0.030 D | [Theme] <> Icon theme set.
     0.030 D | [Theme] applying theme "System"
     0.030 D | [Theme] <> Application theme set.
     0.040 D | Reloading news.
     0.040 D | Loading components
     0.044 D | Component list save is scheduled for "Weapons"
     0.046 D | Resolving dependencies
     0.046 D | "Req: net.fabricmc.intermediary" Is met.
     0.046 D | "Req: net.minecraft == 1.20.1" Is met.
     0.046 D | "Req: org.lwjgl3" Is met.
     0.046 D | Component list update/resolve task succeeded for "Weapons"
     0.050 D | Instance-type specific settings were loaded!
     0.105 D | <> Main window shown.
     0.160 D | Dir changed: "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/translations"
     0.161 D | Loading Qt Language File for en_CA ...
     0.161 C | Loading Qt Language File failed.
     0.161 D | Loading Application Language File for en_CA ...
     0.179 D | Got translations index!
     0.179 W | [launcher.task.net]: [HttpMetaCache] Removing cache entry because of old age!
     0.179 D | Dir changed: "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/translations"
     0.180 D | Loading Qt Language File for en_CA ...
     0.180 C | Loading Qt Language File failed.
     0.180 D | Loading Application Language File for en_CA ...
     0.209 D | Got translation: "en_CA"
     0.209 D | Loading Qt Language File for en_CA ...
     0.209 C | Loading Qt Language File failed.
     0.209 D | Loading Application Language File for en_CA ...
     0.209 D | Dir changed: "/var/home/loganmc10/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/translations"
     0.210 D | Loading Qt Language File for en_CA ...
     0.210 C | Loading Qt Language File failed.
     0.210 D | Loading Application Language File for en_CA ...
     0.431 D | Finished loading RSS feed.
     0.450 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 8.3, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 8.2, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 8.1, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 8.0, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "[MALWARE WARNING] RCE Vulnerability on some modded servers - Bleeding Pipe"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 7.2, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 7.1, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 7.0, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "FTB Modpack Downloading Removal."
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "[MALWARE WARNING] \"fractureiser\" malware in many popular Minecraft mods and modpacks"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "[SECURITY UPDATE] Prism Launcher Release 6.3, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 6.2, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 6.1, now available"
     0.451 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 6.0, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 5.2, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 5.1, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "Prism Launcher Release 5.0, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.4.2, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.4.1, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.4.0, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.3.2, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.3.1, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.3.0, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.2.2, now available (CurseForge Hotfix)"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.2.1, now available"
     0.452 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.2.0, now available"
     0.453 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.1.1, now available"
     0.453 D | Loaded news entry "PolyMC Update 1.1.0, now available"
     0.453 D | Loaded news entry "Moving on"
     0.453 D | Loaded news entry "Modrinth support and Mod downloading"
     0.453 D | Loaded news entry "New maintainers and step down."
     0.453 D | News loading succeeded.
     0.939 D | DeviceFlow::setLinked: true
     0.939 D | AuthFlow: "Logging in as an Xbox user."
     0.939 D | First layer of XBox auth ... commencing.
     0.939 D | New token expires in QDateTime(2024-05-08 19:48:51.007 UTC Qt::UTC) seconds
     1.931 D | Parsing "UToken" :
     1.932 D | "UToken" is valid.
     1.932 D | AuthFlow: "Getting authorization to access Xbox services."
     1.932 D | Getting authorization token for  "http://xboxlive.com"
     2.198 D | Parsing "Xbox" :
     2.199 D | "Xbox" is valid.
     2.199 D | AuthFlow: "Getting authorization to access Mojang services."
     2.199 D | Getting authorization token for  "rp://api.minecraftservices.com/"
     2.356 D | Parsing "Mojang" :
     2.356 D | "Mojang" is valid.
     2.357 D | AuthFlow: "Accessing Mojang services."
     2.357 D | Getting Minecraft access token...
     3.674 D | Parsing Mojang response...
     3.674 D | Mojang response is valid.
     3.674 D | AuthFlow: "Fetching Xbox profile."
     3.675 D | Getting Xbox profile...
     4.311 D | AuthFlow: "Determining game ownership."
     4.312 D | Getting entitlements...
     4.720 D | Parsing Minecraft entitlements...
     4.720 D | AuthFlow: "Fetching the Minecraft profile."
     4.926 D | Component list save performed now for "Weapons"
     5.436 D | Parsing Minecraft profile...
     5.436 D | AuthFlow: "Getting skin."
     5.568 D | Writing account list to "accounts.json"
     5.568 D | Building JSON data structure.
     5.568 D | Building account array.
     5.568 D | Writing account list to file.
     5.571 D | Saved account list to "accounts.json"
     5.573 D | RefreshSchedule: Background account refresh succeeded
    29.930 D | [launcher.task.net.metacache.http]: Saving metacache with 20 entries

When I say "doesn't open" I mean that the window never shows up.

Rexogamer commented 3 weeks ago

not sure why you closed this - I'm also seeing this issue (Prism v8.3, Ubuntu 24.04)

Noxellar commented 3 weeks ago

I'm also getting this issue as well (Prism 8.3, Debian Sid)

Some more information: It seems that wiping the data for Prism allows it to boot up as normally but upon closing the window again (even Minecraft and Prism is still running), I can't reopen the window.

Noxellar commented 3 weeks ago

It seems that using X11 solves this issue. Though I'm not sure at all why it would work on the first setup but not any subsequent openings.

Rexogamer commented 3 weeks ago

update: clearing my user data seemed to do the trick