flathub / org.speed_dreams.SpeedDreams

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Support for joystick is currently crazy one ! #2

Open Nokia808 opened 5 years ago

Nokia808 commented 5 years ago

Hi. I do not know whether this bug related to flathub or to the game itself ! Please if not related to flathub, then inform me so as to contact developer of this game.

Issue is as following: this game recognize joystick & it's key during "control configuration" & calibrated okay (as it seem to be). But when I try to play & press the key of joystick that I asigned to be used to move care forward, the game will show the voice of care as if it is moving & speed pointer show speed as if it increased BUT CARE REMAIN AT START LINE UNMOVED !

Nokia808 commented 5 years ago

Hi. I changed title of this bug because issue not only related to start of movement of care ! But it is of many other manifestations. Take the following: I remove "player" that I created & create many new player control profiles using 9 joysticks (4 of them are out of box). Joysticks are of 2 types: generic & Xbox types. Some time care could be moved by joysticks but stear to left & right not working ! Do you beleave me if I inform you that at one time I create player control profile which make care move automatically by itself without my control !!! At multiple times of trials when I tried to assigned special joystick key, the game assigned other key not that I select ! It seem that the game has major error in support joystick control !

TingPing commented 5 years ago

This sounds like a bug in the game not this package.