flathub / org.zdoom.Raze

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Update org.zdoom.Raze.desktop #1

Closed smirnov closed 3 months ago

smirnov commented 3 months ago

Add Shadow warrior to list of keywords, as it's also supported by Raze

flathubbot commented 3 months ago

Started test build 108503

flathubbot commented 3 months ago

Build 108503 failed

hfiguiere commented 3 months ago

Build fail because the screenshots are gone.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smirnov/org.zdoom.Raze/bc46a83d3aca9dd765cfc2ceebb44da176b7edd1/images/d3d.png
--2024-03-21 16:23:11--  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smirnov/org.zdoom.Raze/bc46a83d3aca9dd765cfc2ceebb44da176b7edd1/images/d3d.png
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2024-03-21 16:23:14 ERROR 404: Not Found.
smirnov commented 3 months ago

@hfiguiere yes, thank you, I've messed it up by removing the original personal repo to which it was copied. Should be fixed now with links on the official repo. Thank you for the friendy suggestion.

flathubbot commented 3 months ago

Started test build 109172

flathubbot commented 3 months ago

Build 109172 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/92000/org.zdoom.Raze.flatpakref