flathub / org.zotero.Zotero

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Use Persistent Path For `Zotero` And `.zotero` Folder #154

Open czhang03 opened 4 months ago

czhang03 commented 4 months ago

Use the Persistent path permission for both Zotero and .zotero folder:

This change will enable

We might also need to remove home folder permission as well, for this change to work.

sebastian-de commented 4 months ago

I'm not really happy with the current filesystem permissions either, but the last attempt to restrict them didn't end well: https://github.com/flathub/org.zotero.Zotero/issues/82

czhang03 commented 4 months ago

I think because zotero 7 uses a modern version of firefox, therefore it has portal support by default. I have tested exporting file, importing file, and install extensions with zero file permissions, and it all works.

I think we might be able to harden permission on zotero 7 beta.

sebastian-de commented 4 months ago

Testing this in the beta branch is fine I guess. Can you make a PR with your suggested changes?