flathub / us.zoom.Zoom

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Screen sharing broken in Fedora since Zoom 5.17 #448

Closed jebw closed 4 months ago

jebw commented 4 months ago

Seems like screensharing is now defaulting to some non-pipewire based hack since 5.17.1???

This removes ability to screenshare in Fedora at least and presumably any other sandboxed environments (ie other flatpak users)?


The fix is in the link above but this setting is pretty well hidden, without googling and seeing that post I'd not have found this Can another non-fedora wayland user confirm whether screensharing is broken for wayland other users?

If so is there anyway to either force this setting when running in flatpak or set up the environment so the auto-mode uses flatpak rather then whatever alternative hack they are now defaulting to. Seems like 'auto' works via the rpm so presumably whatever detection mechanism it is relying on can get replicated within flatpak?

jebw commented 4 months ago

Hmm - looks like I've duplicated https://github.com/flathub/us.zoom.Zoom/issues/402