flathub / us.zoom.Zoom

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Sidebar stuck on "Loading your sidebar" #473

Closed cybercyst closed 4 weeks ago

cybercyst commented 1 month ago


This is with the latest flatpak bundled version.

heftig commented 1 month ago

This affects the calendar in general.

crepererum commented 1 month ago

This is still a problem with version 6.1.6 (i.e. after #472), from the system logs:

Aug 14 11:09:14 mneumann-x1 systemd[1770]: Started app-flatpak-us.zoom.Zoom-160308.scope.
Aug 14 11:09:14 mneumann-x1 systemd-coredump[160385]: [🡕] Process 160360 (ZoomWebviewHost) of user 1000 dumped core.

                                                      Stack trace of thread 38:
                                                      #0  0x00007f70fc1d91db n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x67d91db)
                                                      #1  0x00007f70fc1d8cfb n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x67d8cfb)
                                                      #2  0x00007f70fc1d91f9 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x67d91f9)
                                                      #3  0x00007f70fe0a12d2 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x86a12d2)
                                                      #4  0x00007f70fada0728 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x53a0728)
                                                      #5  0x00007f70fbc37724 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x6237724)
                                                      #6  0x00007f70fa469352 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x4a69352)
                                                      #7  0x00007f70f93388c9 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x39388c9)
                                                      #8  0x00007f70fbc36b12 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x6236b12)
                                                      #9  0x00007f70fbc34acc n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x6234acc)
                                                      #10 0x00007f70f7e7bd09 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x247bd09)
                                                      #11 0x00007f70f7e7ba9f n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x247ba9f)
                                                      #12 0x00007f70f7e66276 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x2466276)
                                                      #13 0x00007f70f7e65f88 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x2465f88)
                                                      #14 0x00007f70f7ddd36a n/a (/app/extra/zoom/cef/libcef.so + 0x23dd36a)
                                                      #15 0x00005fcf535d3881 n/a (/app/extra/zoom/ZoomWebviewHost + 0x1d3881)
                                                      #16 0x00007ffd7a85b938 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                                                      ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

Searching through the issue tracker, we had similar looking issues before, e.g. #327. Last time it was sandbox-related and fixed by #328. So I'm wondering if that fix is incomplete or out-of-date now.

takluyver commented 4 weeks ago

Can you give the build in #475 a try?