flatironinstitute / FMM3D

Flatiron Institute Fast Multipole Libraries --- This codebase is a set of libraries to compute N-body interactions governed by the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, to a specified precision, in three dimensions, on a multi-core shared-memory machine.
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Issue running Python code in Windows #53

Open mcinggithub opened 3 months ago

mcinggithub commented 3 months ago

Upon attempting to run "lfmm3d_example.py", I am presented with the error "ImportError: cannot import name 'hfmm3d_fortran' from partially initialized module 'fmm3dpy'". ('lfmm3d_fortran', etc., also have errors).

However, the tests during installation functioned as intended, and both "lfmm_test.py" and "hfmm_test.py" ran without this error and displayed "all lfmm/hfmm tests succeeded".

I am confused about what the issue is with running "lfmm3d_example.py" (and other programs that import fmm3dpy), because "lfmm_test.py" imports the same modules but does not encounter any issues. Could you please help me figure out what is wrong?