flatironinstitute / ironclust

Spike sorting software being developed at Flatiron Institute, based on JRCLUST (Janelia Rocket Cluster)
Apache License 2.0
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auto merge doesn't work #56

Open WeissShahaf opened 3 years ago

WeissShahaf commented 3 years ago

is Ironclust still being maintained? i've been using ironclust since it came out. and very happy overall. some things are still broken though.

-Phy IO is not funcitonal. maybe because of changes to kilosort over the years. but been this way at least since kilosort2 -irc2, never worked for me. it runs, but in the gui cannot merge or split.

most crucial for me: *-with irc manual .prm (non irc2), auto merging crashes. ERROR:

Index exceeds the number of array elements (631). Error in irc>@(iClu)mode(viSite_spk(S_clu.cviSpk_clu{iClu})) (line 6753) S_clu.viSite_clu = double(arrayfun(@(iClu)mode(viSite_spk(S_clu.cviSpk_clu{iClu})), 1:S_clu.nClu)); Error in irc>S_clu_mapindex (line 6753) S_clu.viSite_clu =double(arrayfun(@(iClu)mode(viSite_spk(S_clu.cviSpk_clu{iClu})),1:S_clu.nClu)); Error in irc>post_mergewav4 (line 3875) S_clu = S_clu_mapindex(S_clu, viMap_clu); Error in irc>post_mergewav (line 3729) S_clu = post_mergewav4(S_clu, merge_thresh, P); Error in irc>mergeauto (line 17798) [S_clu, nClu_merge] = post_mergewav(S_clu, 1, setfield(P, 'maxWavCor', maxWavCor)); Error in irc>@(h,e)mergeauto() (line 5851) uimenu_(mh_edit,'Label', 'Merge auto', 'Callback', @(h,e)mergeauto()); Error while evaluating Menu Callback.**

I think this is due to one of the variables not being updated when clusters are split/merged/deleted: S_clu.nClu S_clu.cviSpk_clu