flatironinstitute / mountainlab-js

MountainLab is data processing, sharing and visualization software for scientists. It is built around MountainSort, spike sorting software, but is designed to be more generally applicable.
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re-implement ephys.* and ms4alg.* processors using new processor manager #59

Open magland opened 6 years ago

magland commented 6 years ago

Use a slightly different namespace, so we can test the equivalence, and then we'll replace the existing with the new.

These include the following:

ephys.bandpass_filter ephys.compare_ground_truth ephys.compute_cluster_metrics ephys.compute_cross_correlograms ephys.compute_templates ephys.convert_array ephys.synthesize_random_firings ephys.synthesize_random_waveforms ephys.synthesize_timeseries ephys.whiten

ms4alg.apply_label_map ms4alg.create_label_map ms4alg.sort

wysota commented 6 years ago

Initial implementation of the aforementioned processors has been completed and is available in 'mlprocessors' branch of respective repositories. Once it is confirmed the ports work as expected, I'll work on improving the implementation.

magland commented 6 years ago

Excellent. Can we merge this into the master branch? Then I will change all my pipelines to use ephys_new. And if everything seems okay for around a week, we will make the namespace change, and change ephys. to ephys_old. and ephys_new. to ephys.. Then after another week or so we will then delete the ephys_old.

wysota commented 6 years ago

I'd feel safer if you tested it slightly first but if you feel confident about it then go ahead. Once I know it works, I'll fiddle with the implementation as currently everything is in a single file and wraps your original calls. I want to put implementations into dedicated files.

magland commented 6 years ago

Okay, I'll try to get to this soon.