Re-format the code in the md doc pages as a python interactive section, so that we can run doctest on it.
one way to run doctest on all md files is to add to the [testenv] in tox.ini:
#...other config
allowlist_externals = sh
# Run both pytest and coverage since pytest was initialized with the --cov option in the pyproject.toml
# while black, isort and flake8 are also i
commands =
black --check src
isort src --profile=black
isort docs/how_to_guide --profile=black
isort docs/background --profile=black
isort docs/tutorials --profile=black
flake8 --config={toxinidir}/tox.ini src
pytest --doctest-modules src/nemos/
pytest --cov=nemos --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov-report=xml
sh -c 'python -m doctest docs/dev*/*.md /docs/*.md'
Where the last commend uses the shell to expand the string pattern (won't work without).
We want to avoid the generated folders (which contains md, so i won't recommend "docs/*/.md"). Also, there is no option for omit files/folders from the command line.
If we want to be generic we can add a script like this one:
import doctest
import glob
import sys
from pathlib import Path
# Expand wildcard patterns using glob
files = glob.glob("docs/**/*.md") + glob.glob("docs/*.md")
exclude_flds = ["generated", "reference"]
failed_doctest = False
# Run doctests for each file
for f in files:
f = Path(f)
if any(excl in for excl in exclude_flds):
print(f"Running doctests for: {f}")
failure_count, test_count = doctest.testfile(f, module_relative=False)
if failure_count > 0:
failed_doctest = True
if failed_doctest:
print("One or more doctests failed. Exiting with error.", file=sys.stderr)
Re-format the code in the md doc pages as a python interactive section, so that we can run doctest on it.
one way to run doctest on all md files is to add to the
:Where the last commend uses the shell to expand the string pattern (won't work without).
We want to avoid the generated folders (which contains md, so i won't recommend "docs/*/.md"). Also, there is no option for omit files/folders from the command line.
If we want to be generic we can add a script like this one:
And then in the
run this script.