flatrick / troubleshooting

Tips for how to troubleshoot different aspects of applications
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Log-tailing #5

Open flatrick opened 4 years ago

flatrick commented 4 years ago

In UNIX, the tool tail is well known amongst system-administrators and users alike. Being able to "follow" any changes in single (or multiple) log files has been the primary way to troubleshoot issues in UNIX.

But in the world of Windows, the situation is slightly different. Different applications store their log-messages in different file formats, or even databases, so the amount of tools required to follow the state and actions performed by a application is more diverse.

There is atleast one log-tailer for Windows that not only allows for tailing of text-files but also allows for tailing the primary Event Viewer-logs (Application - Security - Installation - System)

snaketail-net is the first tool I'll describe why and how to use.
But I will also take a look at glogg / klogg and LogExpert
If I find something interesting/better, I will also take a look at them and see if they're worth describing in greater detail.

While Notepad++ isn't built to be a "tailer", it still has this specific functionality, but what truly makes it shine is it's ability to clean a log (although it ain't easy since it requires knowledge on Regular Expressions, but having that capability can still be a massively powerful tool)