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Guidance to youth that they're not at zero risk. #196

Open jmcmurry opened 4 years ago

jmcmurry commented 4 years ago

The youth have always fancied themselves immortal, and this is no exception. We need to better communicate the risks to them. There was an article about hospitalization rates being higher in young people and it had a simple graph, I think we should include it. But we need also to harness the power of story. Average young people who end up in ICU and worse.

jaysonvirissimo commented 4 years ago

Some potential sources:

jmcmurry commented 4 years ago

Here's another

A very simple age stratified mortality projection onto the age structure of Missouri highlights the fact that even though rates are much higher, younger person will contribute markedly to mortality. In addition relative to flu the risk ratio of death is probably 50 times in younger ages. Waiting for potential sources from Dr. Geng...

Someone should do some viz on this.

nditada commented 4 years ago

More support: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-19/coronavirus-in-young-people-is-it-dangerous-data-show-it-can-be

nditada commented 4 years ago

More around children: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2020/03/16/peds.2020-0702.full.pdf

jaysonvirissimo commented 4 years ago

One approach for addressing younger readers might be to concentrate of morbidities rather than mortality (which they, rightly, believe they are at low risk for). Any thoughts on that strategy?