Closed nekohayo closed 1 month ago
I have the same problem. Getting the same output error:
antonio@localhost:~> flatpak run io.github.flattool.Warehouse
Could not get dependent runtime
Could not get dependent runtime
Could not find EOL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/share/warehouse/flattool_gui/", line 940, in <lambda>
lambda *_: GLib.idle_add(lambda *_: self.generate_list_of_flatpaks())
File "/app/share/warehouse/flattool_gui/", line 343, in generate_list_of_flatpaks
File "/app/share/warehouse/flattool_gui/", line 322, in create_row
row = AppRow(self, self.host_flatpaks, index)
File "/app/share/warehouse/flattool_gui/", line 61, in __init__
self.dependent_runtime = current_flatpak[13]
IndexError: list index out of range
This is my list of installed apps:
Name Application ID Version Branch Origin Installation
Ptyxis app.devsuite.Ptyxis 46.4 stable flathub system
Biblioteca app.drey.Biblioteca 1.4 stable flathub system
Blurble app.drey.Blurble 0.4.0 stable flathub system
Dialect app.drey.Dialect 2.4.1 stable flathub system
Elastic app.drey.Elastic 0.1.5 stable flathub system
Devel app.drey.Envelope.Devel master devel-origin system
Warp app.drey.Warp 0.7.0 stable flathub system
Fotema app.fotema.Fotema 1.9.6 stable flathub system
HEIC app.fotema.Fotema.HEIC stable flathub system
Cambalache ar.xjuan.Cambalache 0.90.4 stable flathub system
Proton Mail Bridge ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge 3.12.0 stable flathub system
Adobe Flash Player com.adobe.Flash-Player-Projector stable flathub system
keyguard com.artemchep.keyguard master keyguard-origin system
Discord com.discordapp.Discord 0.0.65 stable flathub system
Wildcard com.felipekinoshita.Wildcard 0.3.3 stable flathub system
Naqua Darazaki com.github.Darazaki.Spedread 2.4.7 stable flathub system
Hypatia com.github.HypatiaProject.hypatia 0.1.1 stable flathub system
Portal for Teams com.github.IsmaelMartinez.teams_for_linux 1.9.2 stable flathub system
Pinta com.github.PintaProject.Pinta 2.1.2 stable flathub system
Plots com.github.alexhuntley.Plots 0.8.5 stable flathub system
Cipher com.github.arshubham.cipher 2.5.0 stable flathub system
Paint Spill com.github.avojak.paint-spill 1.1.0 stable flathub system
Cassidy James Blaede com.github.cassidyjames.clairvoyant 3.1.7 stable flathub system
NormCap com.github.dynobo.normcap 0.5.8 stable flathub system
Rnote com.github.flxzt.rnote 0.11.0 stable flathub system
Wike com.github.hugolabe.Wike 3.0.1 stable flathub system
PDF Arranger com.github.jeromerobert.pdfarranger 1.11.0 stable flathub system
Drawing com.github.maoschanz.drawing 1.0.2 stable flathub system
G4Music com.github.neithern.g4music 3.7.2 stable flathub system
Clapper com.github.rafostar.Clapper 0.6.1 stable flathub system
Comic Sticks com.github.rkoesters.xkcd-gtk 1.7.1 stable flathub system
Martin Abente Lahaye com.github.tchx84.Flatseal 2.2.0 stable flathub system
Frog com.github.tenderowl.frog 1.5.1 stable flathub system
Timer com.github.vikdevelop.timer 3.4 stable flathub system
Android Studio 2024.1.1.12 stable flathub system
Heroic Games Launcher com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl v2.15.1 stable flathub system com.jgraph.drawio.desktop 24.6.4 stable flathub system
Logseq com.logseq.Logseq 0.10.9 stable flathub system
Time Tracker com.lynnmichaelmartin.TimeTracker 1.1.8 stable flathub system
Extension Manager com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager 0.5.1 stable flathub system
Pied com.mikeasoft.pied 0.1.11 master pied-origin system
Minecraft com.mojang.Minecraft 1.0.1221 stable flathub system
OBS Studio com.obsproject.Studio 30.2.0 stable flathub system
DroidCam com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.DroidCam 2.3.3 stable flathub system
GStreamer VA-API com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.GStreamerVaapi 0.4.1 stable flathub system
GStreamer com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.Gstreamer 0.4.1 stable flathub system
Input Overlay com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.InputOverlay stable flathub system
OBS VkCapture com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.OBSVkCapture 1.5.0 stable flathub system
Blanket com.rafaelmardojai.Blanket 0.7.0 stable flathub system
Spotify com.spotify.Client stable flathub system
Stremio com.stremio.Stremio 4.4.168 stable flathub system
TreeSheets com.strlen.TreeSheets 10101933522 stable flathub system
Thincast Remote Desktop Client com.thincast.client 1.1.532 stable flathub system
Bottles com.usebottles.bottles 51.13 stable flathub system
Visual Studio Code com.visualstudio.code 1.92.2 stable flathub system
vmware com.vmware.HorizonClient 2111 master horizonclient-origin user
Fragments de.haeckerfelix.Fragments 3.0.1 stable flathub system
Shortwave de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave 3.2.0 stable flathub system
Snoop de.philippun1.Snoop 0.3.1 stable flathub system
Turtle de.philippun1.turtle 0.9 stable flathub system
Railway de.schmidhuberj.DieBahn 2.6.0 stable flathub system
Spot dev.alextren.Spot 0.4.1 stable flathub system
Boxi dev.boxi.Boxi 5 stable flathub system
Keypunch dev.bragefuglseth.Keypunch 2.0 stable flathub system
Tuba dev.geopjr.Tuba 0.8.2 stable flathub system
Gameeky dev.tchx84.Gameeky 0.6.4 stable flathub system
Nyxt engineer.atlas.Nyxt 3.11.7 stable flathub system
HandBrake fr.handbrake.ghb 1.8.1 stable flathub system
Boop-GTK fyi.zoey.Boop-GTK 1.6.0 stable flathub system
Element im.riot.Riot 1.11.75 stable flathub system
Komikku info.febvre.Komikku 1.51.1 stable flathub system
SMPlayer info.smplayer.SMPlayer 24.5.0 stable flathub system
Bavarder io.github.Bavarder.Bavarder 1.0.0 stable flathub system
AdwSteamGtk io.github.Foldex.AdwSteamGtk 0.6.11 stable flathub system
verse io.github.TanmayPatil105.verse 0.1.3 stable flathub system
Planify io.github.alainm23.planify 4.10.5 stable flathub system
Mousam io.github.amit9838.mousam 1.3.2 stable flathub system
IP Lookup io.github.bytezz.IPLookup 0.3.4 stable flathub system
Celluloid io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid 0.27 stable flathub system
Design 46.alpha1 stable flathub system
Supersonic io.github.dweymouth.supersonic 0.13.1 stable flathub system
Hieroglyphic io.github.finefindus.Hieroglyphic 1.1.0 stable flathub system
Telegraph io.github.fkinoshita.Telegraph 0.1.8 stable flathub system
Warehouse io.github.flattool.Warehouse 1.6.4 stable flathub system
Varia io.github.giantpinkrobots.varia v2024.5.7 stable flathub system
Mingle io.github.halfmexican.Mingle 0.12 stable flathub system
Dot Matrix io.github.lainsce.DotMatrix 3.2.0 stable flathub system
Chirurgien io.github.leonardschardijn.Chirurgien 2.2 stable flathub system
Vaults io.github.mpobaschnig.Vaults 0.7.1 stable flathub system
Errands io.github.mrvladus.List 46.2.4 stable flathub system
Ultimate Tic Tac Toe io.github.nokse22.ultimate-tic-tac-toe 0.2.1 stable flathub system
GDM Settings io.github.realmazharhussain.GdmSettings 4.4 beta flathub-beta system
GDM Settings io.github.realmazharhussain.GdmSettings 4.4 stable flathub system
Kooha io.github.seadve.Kooha 2.3.0 stable flathub system
SaveDesktop io.github.vikdevelop.SaveDesktop 3.3 stable flathub system
Fingerpaint io.github.wazzaps.Fingerpaint 1.4.3 stable flathub system
Khaleel Al-Adhami io.gitlab.adhami3310.Converter 2.2.0 stable flathub system
Footage io.gitlab.adhami3310.Footage 1.3.2 stable flathub system
Impression io.gitlab.adhami3310.Impression 3.2.0 stable flathub system
Newsflash io.gitlab.news_flash.NewsFlash 3.3.2 stable flathub system
Monophony io.gitlab.zehkira.Monophony 2.12.0 stable flathub system
The Gates io.itch.nordup.TheGates 0.9.2 stable flathub system
Smile 2.9.5 stable flathub system
Lemonade ml.mdwalters.Lemonade 2023.10.29 stable flathub system
Clicker net.codelogistics.clicker 0.1.6 stable flathub system
MediaInfo net.mediaarea.MediaInfo 24.06 stable flathub system
Speech Note net.mkiol.SpeechNote 4.5.0 stable flathub system
Resources net.nokyan.Resources 1.5.1 stable flathub system
Osmo net.sourceforge.osmo 0.4.4 stable flathub system
LosslessCut no.mifi.losslesscut 3.55.1 stable flathub system
Interstellar one.jwr.interstellar 0.6.0 stable flathub system
Fedora Media Writer org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter 5.1.2 stable flathub system
Fabien LOISON 1.2.4 stable flathub system
TAP-plugins org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.TAP 1.0.1 23.08 flathub system
SWH org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh 0.4.17 23.08 flathub system
Freedesktop Platform org.freedesktop.Platform 22.08.25 22.08 flathub system
Freedesktop Platform org.freedesktop.Platform freedesktop-sdk-23.08.21 23.08 flathub system
i386 org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386 23.08 flathub system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 21.3.9 21.08 flathub system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.0.7 22.08 flathub system
Mesa (Extra) org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.0.7 22.08-extra flathub system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.1.3 23.08 flathub system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.1.1 23.08 gnome-nightly user
Mesa (Extra) org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.1.3 23.08-extra flathub system
Mesa (Extra) org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.1.1 23.08-extra gnome-nightly user
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 23.1.6 23.08beta flathub-beta system
Mesa (Extra) org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 23.1.6 23.08beta-extra flathub-beta system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.2.0 24.08beta gnome-nightly user
Mesa (Extra) org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 24.2.0 24.08beta-extra gnome-nightly user
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.default 24.1.3 23.08 flathub system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 21.08 flathub system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 22.08 flathub system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 23.08 flathub system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 23.08 gnome-nightly user
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 23.08beta flathub-beta system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 24.08beta gnome-nightly user
i386 org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel.i386 23.08 flathub system
ffmpeg-full org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full 22.08 flathub system
ffmpeg-full org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full 23.08 flathub system
i386 org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg_full.i386 23.08 flathub system
openh264 org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 2.1.0 2.0 flathub system
openh264 org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 2.1.0 2.2.0 flathub system
openh264 org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 2.1.0 2.2.0beta flathub-beta system
openh264 org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 2.4.1 2.4.1 flathub system
openh264 org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 2.4.1beta gnome-nightly user
Freedesktop SDK org.freedesktop.Sdk 22.08.25 22.08 flathub system
Freedesktop SDK org.freedesktop.Sdk freedesktop-sdk-23.08.21 23.08 flathub system
Rust stable org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.rust-stable 1.79.0 23.08 flathub system
Rust stable org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.rust-stable 1.80.1 23.08 flathub user
Gaphor org.gaphor.Gaphor 2.26.0 stable flathub system
Adwaita Demo org.gnome.Adwaita1.Demo 1.6.rc master gnome-nightly user
Builder org.gnome.Builder 46.1 stable flathub system
Calls org.gnome.Calls 46.0 stable flathub system
Connections org.gnome.Connections 46.0 stable flathub system
Decibels org.gnome.Decibels 46.0 stable flathub system
Devhelp org.gnome.Devhelp 43.0 stable flathub system
Web org.gnome.Epiphany.Canary 47~alpha master gnome-nightly user
Fractal org.gnome.Fractal 7 stable flathub system
Geary org.gnome.Geary 46.0 stable flathub system
Lollypop org.gnome.Lollypop 1.4.40 stable flathub system
Maps org.gnome.Maps 46.11 stable flathub system
Nibbles org.gnome.Nibbles 4.0.4 stable flathub system
Notes org.gnome.Notes 40.1 stable flathub system
Papers org.gnome.Papers 46.2 stable flathub system
Papers org.gnome.Papers.Devel 46.1 master gnome-nightly user
GNOME Application Platform version 42 org.gnome.Platform 42 flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 43 org.gnome.Platform 43 flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 44 org.gnome.Platform 44 flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 45 org.gnome.Platform 45 flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version 46 org.gnome.Platform 46 flathub system
GNOME Application Platform version Nightly org.gnome.Platform master flathub-beta system
GNOME Application Platform version Nightly org.gnome.Platform master gnome-nightly user
i386 org.gnome.Platform.Compat.i386 46 flathub system
Podcasts org.gnome.Podcasts 0.7.0 stable flathub system
GNOME Robots org.gnome.Robots 40.0 stable flathub system
GNOME Software Development Kit version 42 org.gnome.Sdk 42 flathub system
GNOME Software Development Kit version 44 org.gnome.Sdk 44 flathub system
GNOME Software Development Kit version 45 org.gnome.Sdk 45 flathub system
GNOME Software Development Kit version 46 org.gnome.Sdk 46 flathub system
GNOME Software Development Kit version Nightly org.gnome.Sdk master gnome-nightly user
Showtime org.gnome.Showtime 46.3 stable flathub system
Devel org.gnome.Todo.Devel master devel1-origin system
Iotas org.gnome.World.Iotas 0.8.0 stable flathub system
Pika Backup org.gnome.World.PikaBackup 0.7.3 stable flathub system
Maximiliano Sandoval 1.4.0 stable flathub system
Zander Brown 2.0.3 stable flathub system
Typography 0.3.0 stable flathub system
Christian Hergert, et al. org.gnome.dspy 46.0 stable flathub system
Fonts org.gnome.font-viewer 46.0 stable flathub system
Convolution org.gnome.gitlab.bazylevnik0.Convolution 0.2.7 stable flathub system
GMetronome org.gnome.gitlab.dqpb.GMetronome 0.3.4 stable flathub system
Font Downloader org.gustavoperedo.FontDownloader 8.0.0 stable flathub system
Jitsi Meet org.jitsi.jitsi-meet 2024.6.0 stable flathub system
Adwaita theme org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita 5.15-22.08 flathub system
Adwaita theme org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita 5.15-23.08 flathub system
Adwaita theme org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita 6.6 flathub system
Adwaita theme org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita 6.7 flathub system
Kvantum theme engine org.kde.KStyle.Kvantum 1.0.10 5.15-22.08 flathub system
KDE Application Platform org.kde.Platform 5.15-22.08 flathub system
KDE Application Platform org.kde.Platform 5.15-23.08 flathub system
KDE Application Platform org.kde.Platform 6.6 flathub system
KDE Application Platform org.kde.Platform 6.7 flathub system
QGnomePlatform org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform 5.15-22.08 flathub system
QGnomePlatform org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform 5.15-23.08 flathub system
QGnomePlatform org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform 6.6 flathub system
QAdwaitaDecorations org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QAdwaitaDecorations 5.15-22.08 flathub system
QAdwaitaDecorations org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QAdwaitaDecorations 5.15-23.08 flathub system
QAdwaitaDecorations org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QAdwaitaDecorations 6.6 flathub system
QAdwaitaDecorations org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QAdwaitaDecorations 6.7 flathub system
QGnomePlatform-decoration org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-decoration 5.15-22.08 flathub system
QGnomePlatform-decoration org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-decoration 5.15-23.08 flathub system
Kasts org.kde.kasts 24.05.2 stable flathub system
Kontact org.kde.kontact 6.1.0 stable flathub system
KRDC org.kde.krdc 23.08.5 stable flathub system
Krita org.kde.krita 5.2.3 stable flathub system
Okular org.kde.okular 24.05.2 stable flathub system
KeePassXC org.keepassxc.KeePassXC 2.7.9 stable flathub system
Kolibri org.learningequality.Kolibri 3.6 stable flathub system
LocalSend org.localsend.localsend_app 1.15.4 stable flathub system
Thunderbird Daily (Unofficial) org.mozilla.ThunderbirdNightly 131.0a1 master thunderbirdnightly-origin user
Tagger org.nickvision.tagger 2024.6.0 stable flathub system
Nicotine+ org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine 3.3.4 stable flathub system
The Pitivi Team org.pitivi.Pitivi 2023.03 stable flathub system
Codecs org.pitivi.Pitivi.Codecs stable flathub system
Volume Control org.pulseaudio.pavucontrol 6.0 stable flathub system
Iaito org.radare.iaito 5.9.2 stable flathub system
iaito-translations org.radare.iaito.translations stable flathub system
Physics org.sugarlabs.Physics 35.1 stable flathub system
VLC org.videolan.VLC 3.0.21 stable flathub system
Bluray Java menus (BDJ) plugin for VLC org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.bdj 3-23.08 flathub system
FDK-AAC Encoding Plugin for VLC org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.fdkaac 3-23.08 flathub system
MakeMKV plugin for VLC org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.makemkv 1.17.7 3-23.08 flathub system
Maxim Biro (nurupo) org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.pause_click 2.2.0 3-23.08 flathub system
WebKit Platform (23.08) org.webkit.Platform 281825@main 23.08 webkit user
DXVK org.winehq.Wine.DLLs.dxvk 2.4 stable-23.08 flathub system
Gecko org.winehq.Wine.gecko stable-23.08 flathub system
Mono org.winehq.Wine.mono stable-23.08 flathub system
Zotero org.zotero.Zotero 7.0.0-beta.114 beta flathub-beta system
Imaginer page.codeberg.Imaginer.Imaginer 0.2.2 stable flathub system
Playhouse re.sonny.Playhouse 1.1 stable flathub system
Tangram re.sonny.Tangram 3.1 stable flathub system
KOReader rocks.koreader.KOReader v2024.07 stable flathub system
KOReader rocks.koreader.KOReader v2024.07 stable flathub user
Graphs se.sjoerd.Graphs 1.8.1 stable flathub system
Chats sm.puri.Chatty 0.7.3 stable flathub system
Dissent so.libdb.dissent v0.0.25 stable flathub system
tytan652 xyz.tytanium.DoorKnocker 0.5.0 stable flathub system
Same here guys on bluefin (fedora 40 atomic). It started after i installed additional runtime flatpak ffmpeg-full 24.08 trying to troubleshoot unrelated issue with hw acceleration on firefox. ffmpeg-full runtime 23.08 was already installed. Removing ffmpeg-full 24.08 flatpak makes warehouse work again. Hope this helps.
Got the same error as @antonispgs, and only new flatpak I had installed was FFaudioConverter that of course relies on ffmpeg_full. Uninstalling that and ffmpeg like @antonispgs suggested made Warehouse start up correctly again.
Thank you all for bringing this up and the information. Issue #130 was also able to help me understand more of this bug. It is now fixed and a bugfix update is coming very soon!
documentDescribe the issue in detail
After having done a
flatpak repair
, on my Fedora 39 laptop, for some reason, Warehouse refuses to show packages now. It still works on my Fedora 39 desktop workstation, and both computers are up to date on their updates.On startup, it stays stuck in this state:
If you hit
, it stays stuck in this state:Run
flatpak run io.github.flattool.Warehouse
in a terminal and if applicable, show any outputList of flatpaks: