flav-io / flavio

A Python package for flavour physics phenomenology in the Standard model and beyond
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Extracting the SM values of the WET couplings at a given scale. #213

Open Luc-Darme opened 1 year ago

Luc-Darme commented 1 year ago

Dear authors,

I was wondering if there was a simple way of extracting from Flavio the SM values of the WET couplings for a given sector and at a given scale?

For the particular case of b->s physics, I could hack through wctot_dict from bdecays/wilsoncoefficients.py but it does not seem a very elegant solution (and the couplings are not in the Flavio basis so I can not directly pass them to Wilson to run them at the scale I need).

All the best Luc

DavidMStraub commented 1 year ago


not really, and this is intentional (at least when it comes to the original implementation) because "SM values of the WET couplings" is an ambiguous concept. Renormalization scheme dependence, long-distance QED effects, etc. etc. This is why WCXF only considers BSM contributions, which are always short-distance effects.