flaviostutz / monolint

Linter for monorepos. Checks folder structure, module contents, file contents and naming conventions
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When "npx monolint" is run from a specific module folder, make it look for the root folder and merge configurations #38

Open flaviostutz opened 1 year ago

flaviostutz commented 1 year ago

When you run monolint it will get configuration only from current folder.

It's useful to call monolint from inside a specific module folder when you want to see only errors for that folder, but monolint have to look for the root .monolint.json file and process all configuration in folders between root and the module folder to express the actual configuration for that module.

flaviostutz commented 1 year ago

Design proposal:

  "root": true
  /.monolint.json - activates rule "rule1" (which is not enabled by default)
       /.monolint.json - defines "root:true"
       /.monolint.json - doesn't define "root", which defaults to "root:false"

In this example, module 1a and module1b won't have "rule1" activated, and module 2a will have it activated.

The configuration for a specific module must be the same regardless of calling it from inside the folder, or if calling it from any other parent level (in which all modules inside are discovered and the checks applied)

@sergioflores-j @tiagostutz what are your thoughts?

sergioflores-j commented 1 year ago

Sounds good to me!

Although I'd prefer to have only one way to resolve the configuration (running from the root folder) to make it less complex.

In a messy monorepo, this can indeed save some developer time because it gives some flexibility! But can also mean that people will never take the time for fixing the "repo as a whole" issues.

Going back to find the closest root is pretty much how ESLint handles its configuration files. So it sounds like a fair and understandable addition!

tiagostutz commented 1 year ago

What about having a runtime arg/flag to specify which module to check, but the execution command always treat the current folder as root? For instance:

-- /packages
---- /backend
-------- /service1
-------- /service2
-------- .monolint.json
---- /frontend
-- .monolint.json

From the monorepo folder, the user would execute: npx monolint --path=packages/backend and it would use the cascaded config starting from the .monorepo.json file on monorepo. If the user runs npx monolint from the backend folder, it would run using config starting from the .monorepo.json file on backend folder.

flaviostutz commented 1 year ago

What about having a runtime arg/flag to specify which module to check, but the execution command always treat the current folder as root? For instance:

-- /packages
---- /backend
-------- /service1
-------- /service2
-------- .monolint.json
---- /frontend
-- .monolint.json

From the monorepo folder, the user would execute: npx monolint --path=packages/backend and it would use the cascaded config starting from the .monorepo.json file on monorepo. If the user runs npx monolint from the backend folder, it would run using config starting from the .monorepo.json file on backend folder.

I don't like this approach because: