flavorjones / concourse-deployer

Helper for deploying and maintaining a Concourse CI environment
MIT License
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include windows tasks #7

Open flavorjones opened 5 years ago

flavorjones commented 5 years ago

previous incarnation of this gem had tasks:

the stemcell can be retrieved from https://bosh.io/stemcells/#windows2016

the concourse windows release can be retrieved from https://bosh.io/releases/github.com/pivotal-cf-experimental/concourse-windows-worker-release

the windows utilities release can be retrieved from https://bosh.io/releases/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/windows-utilities-release (and will provide ssh access to the box for debugging)

however, the windows_ruby_dev_tools release need to be fixed, and the windows-tools release might help that. https://bosh.io/releases/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/windows-tools-release?all=1

flavorjones commented 5 years ago

update: it looks like there's an ops file for windows workers in concourse-bosh-deployment:


which means we don't need to deal with concourse_windows_release; and that ops file will also provide windows_utilities_release. woo!