flawgarden / vulnomicon

Apache License 2.0
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Add more reference benchmarks #2

Open misonijnik opened 4 weeks ago

misonijnik commented 4 weeks ago
misonijnik commented 3 weeks ago
Benchmark Lang Kind
WebGoat Java web application
vuln-flask-web-app Python web application
WebGoat .NET C# web application
Juliet C# C# synthetic
FlowBot C# synthetic
SecurityShepherd Java web application
skf-labs Python, Java synthetic
Damn Small Vulnerable Web Python web application
IssueBlot C# web application
go-test-bench Go web application
vulnerable-spring-boot-application Java web application
CodeQL tests Java synthetic
gosec tests Go synthetic
go-sec-code Go synthetic
Go Vulnerable Web Application Go synthetic
swiss-cheese Python synthetic
java-web-apps Java web application
sast-rules Java, C#, Python, Go synthetic
ant-application-security-testing-benchmark Java synthetic
grails-javamelody-sample-app Java web application
Juliet Java Java synthetic
misonijnik commented 3 weeks ago

Here is the ground truth for some of the benchmarks above.