fleather-editor / fleather

Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications.
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When copying a list, the last item does not retain the list formatting #360

Open simonbengtsson opened 1 month ago

simonbengtsson commented 1 month ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Write a couple of bullet points in editor
  2. Copy all bullet points
  3. Log the delta obtained in a clipboard manager and observe that all bullet points except for the last one has a new line with the "ul" attribute defined which means this will not be treated as a bullet item when pasted somewhere later.



Document delta:

FleatherClipboardData delta:

simonbengtsson commented 1 month ago

In addition to the above issue there is also a minor issue that pasting adds an extra new line when the last item is a list item. Except for these issues the following class works for copy pasting all types of text formatting (lists, bold etc) both inside fleather editor and from/to other editors such as Notion.

class SimpleMarkdownClipboardManager extends ClipboardManager {
  const SimpleMarkdownClipboardManager();

  Future<void> setData(FleatherClipboardData data) async {
    final plainText = data.plainText;
    final clipboardDelta = data.delta;
    if (clipboardDelta != null && clipboardDelta.length > 0) {
      // Add new line since required by ParchmentDocument.fromDelta
      final delta = clipboardDelta.concat(Delta()..insert('\n'));
      final doc = ParchmentDocument.fromDelta(delta);
      final markdown = parchmentMarkdown.encode(doc);
      await Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: markdown));
    } else if (plainText != null) {
      await Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: plainText));

  Future<FleatherClipboardData?> getData() async {
    final data = await Clipboard.getData(Clipboard.kTextPlain);
    final markdown = data?.text ?? '';

    // Many editors such as Notion use "- " as plaint text format for unordered lists
    markdown = markdown.replaceAll('\n- ', '\n* ');

    final doc = parchmentMarkdown.decode(markdown);
    return FleatherClipboardData(delta: doc.toDelta());
simonbengtsson commented 1 month ago

After diving into the "extra new line when pasting bullet list" issue mentioned above I realized it is actually reproducible in the quilljs playground as well. And they have an issue describing it here: https://github.com/slab/quill/issues/1483.