Closed Vaibhav2002 closed 2 months ago
I think your project has a dependency that uses Ktor 3, and Gradle is resolving it to Ktor 3 or a different version. Can you please check the dependency graph to see which version of Ktor it is using? If Ktor 3 is already being used in your project, you can use Ksoup with Ktor 3.
@Vaibhav2002 Hi there! I just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to look into the dependency graph and confirm the Ktor version. Please let me know if you need any assistance with this or if you’ve encountered any further issues. I’m happy to help!
@itboy87 let me check the dependency graph, will let you know
@itboy87 I just checked the dependency graph and I dont see Ktor 3.x anywhere I only see Ktor 2.3.12
@Vaibhav2002 Can you share the code if possible, or at least the dependencies you’re using?
This is my versions catalogue
I noticed that as soon as I upgrade Ksoup, i can see Ktor 3.0.0-beta2 in dependency graph, but its not there before upgrading
agp = "8.2.0"
kotlin = "2.0.0"
ktor = "2.3.12"
compose = "1.6.10"
multiplatform-settings = "1.1.1"
koin = "3.5.3"
stately = "2.0.4"
sql-delight = "2.0.1"
buildKonfig = "0.15.1"
coil = "3.0.0-alpha10"
ksoup = "0.1.6"
compass = "1.0.0"
connectivity = "1.1.2"
kmpalette = "3.1.0"
coroutines-core = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", name = "kotlinx-coroutines-core", version = "1.8.0" }
kotlinx-dateTime = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime", version = "0.5.0" }
napier = { module = "io.github.aakira:napier", version = "2.6.1" }
touchlabs-crashlytics = { module = "co.touchlab.crashkios:crashlytics", version = "0.8.5" }
ksoup = { module = "com.fleeksoft.ksoup:ksoup-ktor2", version.ref="ksoup" }
ksoup-network = { module = "com.fleeksoft.ksoup:ksoup-network-ktor2", version.ref = "ksoup" }
kotlinx-serialization = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json", version = "1.6.2"}
kotlin-stdlib = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib", version.ref = "kotlin" }
rebugger = { module = "io.github.theapache64:rebugger", version = "1.0.0-rc02"}
kotlinx-immutable-collections = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-collections-immutable", version = "0.3.7"}
fileKit = { module = "io.github.vinceglb:filekit-core", version = "0.7.0" }
inAppReview = { module = "io.github.sergeimikhailovskii:in-app-review-kmp-google-play", version = "3.1.21" }
connectivity-device = { module = "dev.jordond.connectivity:connectivity-device", version.ref = "connectivity" }
connectivity-device-compose = { module = "dev.jordond.connectivity:connectivity-compose-device", version.ref = "connectivity" }
compass-geocoder = { module = "dev.jordond.compass:geocoder", version.ref = "compass" }
compass-geocoder-mobile = { module = "dev.jordond.compass:geocoder-mobile", version.ref = "compass" }
compass-geolocation = { module = "dev.jordond.compass:geolocation", version.ref = "compass" }
compass-geolocation-mobile = { module = "dev.jordond.compass:geolocation-mobile", version.ref = "compass" }
androidx-paging = { module = "androidx.paging:paging-common", version = "3.3.0-alpha02"}
paging-compose-common = { module = "", version = "3.3.0-alpha02-0.4.0" }
kevinnzou-webview = { group = "io.github.kevinnzou", name = "compose-webview-multiplatform", version = "1.9.12" }
compottie = { module = "io.github.alexzhirkevich:compottie", version = "2.0.0-beta02" }
compose-dnd = { module = "com.mohamedrejeb.dnd:compose-dnd", version = "0.1.0"}
peekaboo-image-picker = { module = "io.github.onseok:peekaboo-image-picker", version = "0.5.2" }
zoomable = { module = "com.mxalbert.zoomable:zoomable", version = "1.6.1" }
constraintLayout = { module = "tech.annexflow.compose:constraintlayout-compose-multiplatform", version = "0.4.0" }
kmpalette-core = { module = "com.kmpalette:kmpalette-core", version.ref = "kmpalette" }
kmpalette-extensions-network = { module = "com.kmpalette:extensions-network", version.ref = "kmpalette" }
coil = { module = "io.coil-kt.coil3:coil", version.ref = "coil"}
coil-network = { module = "io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-network-ktor2", version.ref = "coil" }
coil-compose = { module = "io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-compose", version.ref = "coil"}
coil-svg = { module = "io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-svg", version.ref = "coil"}
coil-gif = { module = "io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-gif", version.ref = "coil" }
moko-permissions = { module = "dev.icerock.moko:permissions-compose", version = "0.17.0" }
decompose-core = { module = "com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose", version.ref = "decompose"}
decompose-compose = { module = "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose", version.ref = "decompose"}
#workaround for iOS issue
stately-isolate = { module = "co.touchlab:stately-isolate", version.ref = "stately" }
stately-iso-collections = { module = "co.touchlab:stately-iso-collections", version.ref = "stately" }
koin-core = { module = "io.insert-koin:koin-core", version.ref = "koin" }
koin-android = { module = "io.insert-koin:koin-android", version.ref = "koin" }
ktor-client-logging = { module = "io.ktor:ktor-client-logging", version.ref = "ktor" }
ktor-client-core = { module = "io.ktor:ktor-client-core", version.ref = "ktor" }
ktor-client-content-negotiation = { module = "io.ktor:ktor-client-content-negotiation", version.ref = "ktor" }
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-json = { module = "io.ktor:ktor-serialization-kotlinx-json", version.ref = "ktor" }
ktor-client-darwin = { module = "io.ktor:ktor-client-darwin", version.ref = "ktor" }
ktor-client-okhttp = { module = "io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp", version.ref = "ktor" }
sqlDelight-runtime = { module = "", version.ref = "sql-delight" }
sqlDelight-coroutines-ext = { module = "", version.ref = "sql-delight" }
sqlDelight-paging3-ext = { module = "", version.ref = "sql-delight" }
sqlDelight-primitive-adapters = { module = "", version.ref = "sql-delight" }
sqlDelight-android-driver = { module = "", version.ref = "sql-delight" }
sqlDelight-native-driver = { module = "", version.ref = "sql-delight" }
#multiplatform settings
multiplatform-settings = { module = "com.russhwolf:multiplatform-settings", version.ref = "multiplatform-settings" }
multiplatform-settings-coroutines = { module = "com.russhwolf:multiplatform-settings-coroutines", version.ref = "multiplatform-settings" }
multiplatform-settings-datastore = { module = "com.russhwolf:multiplatform-settings-datastore", version.ref = "multiplatform-settings" }
# for conventions
android-gradlePlugin = { group = "", name = "gradle", version.ref = "agp" }
kotlin-gradlePlugin = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", name = "kotlin-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "kotlin" }
compose-compiler-gradlePlugin = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", name = "compose-compiler-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "kotlin" }
compose-gradlePlugin = { module = "org.jetbrains.compose:org.jetbrains.compose.gradle.plugin", version.ref = "compose" }
@Vaibhav2002 thanks! I will check it with those dependencies. Can you tell me which library in the dependency graph is relying on Ktor 3? Is it Ksoup?
Yes Ksoup as well as all my modules which uses Ktor are now showing this
io.ktor:ktor-client-core:2.3.12 -> 3.0.0-beta-2
Before upgrade, everywhere Ktor was shown like this in all my modules
@Vaibhav2002 I found the issue in the library. Thanks for reporting it. I will fix it and publish a quick version 0.1.7 today.
@Vaibhav2002 I have released new version 0.1.7
and this issue has been fixed in it. Could you please check?. Thanks
@itboy87 It's working now, thanks
Describe the bug I was using 0.1.2 before and now as soon as I upgrade to 0.1.6 app Crashes
The ktor version I am using in my project is 2.3.12 If I downgrade Ksoup back to 0.1.2 everything works like normal, but as soon as I upgrade to 0.1.6 and make the dependency changes
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Upgrade to 0.1.6
Expected behavior App should work fine