fleischr / sapui5-metamask-shoppingcart

SAPUI5 Shopping Cart App with Metamask support
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Summarize comparisons of UI5 to React #12

Open fleischr opened 2 years ago

fleischr commented 2 years ago

To add wallet support to React apps, there's a pretty typical approach

By comparison in UI5 - you have to take into consideration of the legacy MVC patterns used and deployment to systems such as SAP Gateway. You also have some UI5 pre reqs to use async and await - which are commonly used in integrating blockchains to frontend app. This causes some adaptation to achieve integration with decentralized services via a digital wallet while also placing an application within an SAP landscape.

Document the UI5 customizations in a way a React dev familiar with Metamask might understand them - or alternately document the digital wallet customizations so plainly that even the average ABAPer can understand them