flekschas / svelte-simple-modal

A simple, small, and content-agnostic modal for Svelte v3 and v4
MIT License
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I can't figure out CSS to set width of the dialog window #93

Closed WakeReality closed 1 year ago

WakeReality commented 1 year ago

I feel stupid for asking this, but I just can't wrap my head around how t adjust the width of the modal dialog window.

SvelteKit 1.0 FILE: /src/routes/testing/dialog/+page.svelte

<script lang="ts">
   import Modal, { bind } from 'svelte-simple-modal';
   import Dialog  from '../../../components/ComposeShortMessageDialog.svelte'

    let modalDialog = null;
    $: dialogOpen = modalDialog != null;
    let showModal = () => { modalDialog = bind(Dialog, {
        message: 'Reply to Bulletin Tree Short Message',
        hasForm: true,
        replyTargetId: 13,
        replyTargetMessage: "This is the shortMessage being replied to, number thirteen.",
        replyTargetShow: true 
        console.log("showModal function bind")

  on:close={() => modalDialog = null}

<button class="btn reply" on:click={showModal}> Reply </button>

    .modalwina {
        position: absolute;
        margin-left: 100px;

The height is dynamic to the 2nd file, the Dialog, but I just can't determine where the width is set and I'm getting a narrow dialog with scrollbar. Thank you.

flekschas commented 1 year ago

You could do the following:

<Modal show={$modal} styleWindow={{ width: '800px' }} />


<style>:global(.modalwina) { width: 800px; }</style>
<Modal show={$modal} classWindowWrap="modalwina" classWindow="modalwina" />

The :global() is important because Svelte scopes class names so in your code, .modalwina gets turned into something like .modalwina-8x9hqz. That's why the styling wasn't applied.

flekschas commented 1 year ago

If you want to keep scoped class names, you could follow https://stackoverflow.com/a/65533389

WakeReality commented 1 year ago

Ok, this worked. Thanks for the fast response. Happy new year.