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`Video` control #257

Closed danielgafni closed 3 months ago

danielgafni commented 1 year ago

Might be related to #235 #237

tcye commented 1 year ago

+1 very important for developping some multimedia app

pastorhudson commented 1 year ago
FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

It looks like the video is currently supported on web, iOS and Android platforms only: https://pub.dev/packages/video_player

Skquark commented 1 year ago

After searching all the available Flutter video players, the best on I found is https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_meedu_videoplayer which is compatible on all platforms except desktop MacOS. It's fairly easy to call and use, and covers most demands, except playing YouTube. Doesn't look too difficult to implement an adapter... There are a bunch of other vid player addons, but they're compatible with less platforms.

cbenhagen commented 1 year ago

There is also https://pub.dev/packages/video_player_macos which is based on the official iOS plugin.

CYCNO commented 1 year ago

yes really need for video player or iframe in flet officially

adampiskorski commented 1 year ago

After searching all the available Flutter video players, the best on I found is https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_meedu_videoplayer which is compatible on all platforms except desktop MacOS. It's fairly easy to call and use, and covers most demands, except playing YouTube. Doesn't look too difficult to implement an adapter... There are a bunch of other vid player addons, but they're compatible with less platforms.

In order to get the code to run on some platforms, the plugin needs to be 120MB in size: https://github.com/zezo357/flutter_meedu_videoplayer/issues/30, and I suspect that this is will be a common problem. I'm wondering if webview #432 may solve this problem, as once you have that, then JS solutions for playing video files will be fully cross-platform and tiny in size, and flet can have a convenience sub-class of webview with the js already included.

adampiskorski commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering if webview #432 may solve this problem, as once you have that, then JS solutions for playing video files will be fully cross-platform and tiny in size, and flet can have a convenience sub-class of webview with the js already included.

A followup regarding the webview solution, if flet implements https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_widget_from_html_core (all platforms supported) to resolve #432, then you can implement the fwfh_chewie extension of it for video, and even though it only lists android and ios as supported, it clearly works on web: https://demo.fwfh.dev/#/video, so I suspect it will work wherever the core package does, as it doesn't say anything otherwise.

ndonkoHenri commented 1 year ago

And what about desktop?

adampiskorski commented 1 year ago

And what about desktop?

flutter_widget_from_html_core supports MacOS, Windows and Linux, so I suspect that the video plugin does as well, although I'm not sure.

forddata commented 1 year ago

+1 building a kiosk media app, with a need for background video behind text

hokaso commented 1 year ago

Currently, is there just one method of using OpenCV for exhibiting videos in flets(https://github.com/ipritom/flet-demo.git)? Is anyone working on developing relevant functionalities? If there is, I'd be interested in offering my assistance.

FeodorFitsner commented 11 months ago

A new Flutter library for playing video on all platforms: https://github.com/wang-bin/fvp

tcye commented 9 months ago

Any progress? Still waiting for this function

kumaraguru1735 commented 5 months ago

Need https://pub.dev/packages/video_player_web_hls for flut

chrsbats commented 4 months ago

After searching all the available Flutter video players, the best on I found is https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_meedu_videoplayer which is compatible on all platforms except desktop MacOS. It's fairly easy to call and use, and covers most demands, except playing YouTube. Doesn't look too difficult to implement an adapter... There are a bunch of other vid player addons, but they're compatible with less platforms.

In order to get the code to run on some platforms, the plugin needs to be 120MB in size: zezo357/flutter_meedu_videoplayer#30, and I suspect that this is will be a common problem. I'm wondering if webview #432 may solve this problem, as once you have that, then JS solutions for playing video files will be fully cross-platform and tiny in size, and flet can have a convenience sub-class of webview with the js already included.

The meedu player has been discontinued and has been replaced by https://pub.dev/packages/media_kit - which could be a better option?

FeodorFitsner commented 4 months ago

media_kit looks great! All platforms! Video! Audio! To good to be true, huh. 🥹

kumaraguru1735 commented 4 months ago

Expecting soon...