flet-dev / flet

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OAuth expiry of token will hang fastapi server #3150

Closed skaark closed 1 week ago

skaark commented 2 weeks ago

There is a deadlock situation in sdk/python/packages/flet/src/flet/fastapi/flet_app_manager.py The following code is locked with a non-recursive lock.

async def __evict_expired_oauth_states(self):
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(10)
            with self.__states_lock:
                ids = []
                for id, state in self.__states.items():
                    if (
                        and datetime.now(timezone.utc) > state.expires_at
                for id in ids:
                    logger.info(f"Delete expired oauth state: {id}")

However, the self.retrieve_state(id) call locks the code again. As the lock is non-recursive, the code dead-locks at this point. You need to either make the lock recursive(RLock() instead of Lock()), or create an internal unprotected version of retrieve_state, which can be called under locking from the public retrieve_state.

FeodorFitsner commented 2 weeks ago

Good catch, thanks!