flet-dev / flet

Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web, mobile and desktop apps in Python. No frontend experience required.
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`Sms` control - send and receive SMS #3195

Open vv2006-mc opened 2 weeks ago

vv2006-mc commented 2 weeks ago

Please Describe The Feature To Be Added

SMS and MMS reading and sending abilities

Suggest A Solution https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_sms

hanchenglong001 commented 1 week ago

Can you tell me how to integrate the existing Flutter package into my Flet application? No examples were found on the official website.

vv2006-mc commented 1 week ago

hey @hanchenglong001,

Did you see the blog post called Flet adaptive UI and custom controls release? You can see the implementation of all packages too!

After creating the dart wrapper code, you have to edit the client/lib/main.dart and the client/pubspec.yaml files. Just follow as done with other packages.

On the python side, just create a new file in flet-core/src/flet-core and import the Control class created into the __init__.py file. Just follow as done in other controls like audio.py, video.py ,rive.py, etc...

Once finished, you can test it out as told in contributing docs

Note: this is just for now the moderators seem to be trying to make integration of flutter packages to flet easier, so there might be changes on how to do it.