flet-dev / flet

Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web, mobile and desktop apps in Python. No frontend experience required.
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Building .apk for Android... took my 2 hours #3440

Closed zhang-yunqi closed 5 days ago

zhang-yunqi commented 2 weeks ago

This is my first try to build android application with FLAT, but when I build apk(flat build apk) the step "Building .apk for Android..."took my 2 hours.Is this phenomenon common? In additionally, when I built it again, It takes 2 more hours again.

ndonkoHenri commented 2 weeks ago

Can you run the build command with verbosity, and share the full logs here? (Especially where it hangs..)

NHLOCAL commented 1 week ago

The likely hypothesis is that you have poor internet reception, and because the first time flet buid downloads a large amount of information, that's why it took so long

baseplate-admin commented 1 week ago

What is your system specs.

I think it could be one of these:

zhang-yunqi commented 4 days ago

My system ram is enough. I think the reason maybe the network. But way it download these files everytime. Can I save them locally?

NHLOCAL commented 3 days ago

It doesn't download them every time, if I'm not mistaken after the first time it only downloads a smaller amount of files