flet-dev / flet

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After refreshing the web page, the route refreshes to the first tab, but the page content still stays on the original page #4006

Open huqunfeng opened 2 weeks ago

huqunfeng commented 2 weeks ago

Duplicate Check

Describe the bug

After refreshing the web page, the route refreshes to the first tab, but the page content still stays on the original page

Code sample

Code ```python [import flet as ft from globalvar import env import UserLogin from orderfile import orderpage from pilefile import pilepage from settlefile import settlepage from userfile import userpage from esfile import espage from redisfile import redispage import requests from globalvar import ipaddress def main(page: ft.Page): global token page.title = f"万马爱充查询工具({env})" page.fonts = { "globalfont": "fonts/msyh.ttc", } page.theme = ft.Theme(font_family="globalfont") page.appbar = ft.AppBar( leading=ft.Row(controls=[ft.Container(width=5), ft.Image(src='./icons/wanmalogo2.png', width=40, height=12.4)]), toolbar_height=30, title=ft.Text(f"万马爱充自助查询工具({env})", size=13), center_title=True, bgcolor= '#F7AB00', #bgcolor=ft.colors.ORANGE ) page1 = orderpage.OrderPage() page2 = pilepage.PilePage() page3 = userpage.UserPage() page4 = settlepage.SettlePage() page5 = espage.EsPage() page6 = redispage.RedisPage() pagelist = [page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6] if page.client_storage.contains_key("token"): token = page.client_storage.get("token") headers = \ { "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" } checktokenurl = f"http://{ipaddress}/check_token?token={token}" result = requests.post(checktokenurl, headers=headers) if result.status_code == 401: page.route = '/' else: page.route = "/root" else: page.route = '/' def route_change(route): page.views.clear() if page.route == "/root": def PageUpdate(num): datepage.controls = [pagelist[num]] page.update() datepage = ft.View( route="/root", appbar=page.appbar, scroll=ft.ScrollMode.ADAPTIVE, adaptive=True, controls=[page1], navigation_bar=ft.NavigationBar( bgcolor='#F7AB00', #bgcolor=ft.colors.ORANGE, indicator_color=ft.colors.WHITE, on_change=lambda e: PageUpdate(e.control.selected_index), destinations=[ ft.NavigationBarDestination(icon=ft.icons.QUERY_STATS, label="订单查询"), ft.NavigationBarDestination(icon=ft.icons.EV_STATION, label="电桩查询"), ft.NavigationBarDestination(icon=ft.icons.PEOPLE, label="用户查询"), ft.NavigationBarDestination(icon=ft.icons.PAYMENT, label="人工结算"), ft.NavigationBarDestination(icon=ft.icons.DATA_OBJECT, label="ES查询"), ft.NavigationBarDestination(icon=ft.icons.DATA_USAGE, label="Redis查询") ], selected_index=0, ) ) page.views.append( datepage ) if page.route == "/": page.views.append( ft.View( "/", [ UserLogin.Login() ], appbar=page.appbar, auto_scroll=True ) ) page.update() def view_pop(view): page.views.pop() top_view = page.views[-1] page.go(top_view.route) page.on_route_change = route_change page.on_view_pop = view_pop page.go(page.route) ft.app(target=main) ] ```

To reproduce

After refreshing the web page, the route refreshes to the first tab, but the page content still stays on the original page

Expected behavior

No response

Screenshots / Videos

Captures [Upload media here]

Operating System


Operating system details

windows 11

Flet version



No, it isn't


No response


Logs ```console [Paste your logs here] ```

Additional details

No response

FeodorFitsner commented 8 hours ago

Could you try with the latest Flet 0.24.1 please?