flet-dev / flet

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3D objects rendering #601

Closed applicatlat closed 11 months ago

applicatlat commented 1 year ago

Are you planning to include 3D rendering option and playing videos using this module?

FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

What module?

applicatlat commented 1 year ago

Sorry. I meant the Flet framework. Will it support 3d rendering?

FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

Could you please give an example of 3d rendering?

applicatlat commented 1 year ago

Sure. You may check this web site for more information https://kivy.org/doc/stable/examples/gen3Drenderingmain__py.html

FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

OK, will take a look.

Skquark commented 1 year ago

I could also make use of a 3D .obj file viewer in my application, and the video player as well. The basic Flutter package that I'd personally recommend is this one: https://pub.dev/packages/object_3d which is a newly updated version of flutter_3d_obj. It's small and simple, and there's not that many other choices available. I haven't tested it personally, but looked at the code briefly and was satisfied.. My use case is for my implementation of DreamFusion, which I've got generating 3D models with AI from text prompt. Got it working but all I can do is save the obj mesh and mp4 preview to a folder, which is cool but not as gratifying. Video player is more difficult to find a good one that works on all the platforms. Best one I found is https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_meedu_videoplayer but it doesn't work on MacOS. Still looks functional. While I'm at it, I think people could do with a good Image Viewer, which includes full screen pan & zoom. I could definitely make use of that more than anything else in my app. The best one for the job I think is https://pub.dev/packages/easy_image_viewer. Even lets you open multiple images and page through them.. I've used a different flutter image viewer before, but this one's nice and simple. We don't mean to be demanding with features, just trying to help get it as fully capable as possible for most use cases. If I can help you integrate the plugins, I could, would just need to teach myself how Flet backend stuff works better. Thanks.

applicatlat commented 1 year ago

Congratulations on your project. What Feodor did is already awesome but if he wants to develop this framework, he needs the experiences of users to develop it. Think as if you are making a contribution to his cause. If I knew how to develop codes at his level I would definetely share the implementation of it.

FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

@Skquark https://pub.dev/packages/object_3d looks nice and doable. Let's rename this issue to implement just 3D object viewer? For https://pub.dev/packages/easy_image_viewer please create a new separate issue. Video player - there is an existing issue for that: https://github.com/flet-dev/flet/issues/257 - you may add https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_meedu_videoplayer as a candidate in comments over there.

Thank you!

zengzhengrong commented 1 year ago

How to embed vtk in flet ?we use pyqt5+vtk,Can i replace pyqt to flet? https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/index.html

hiyyg commented 1 year ago

What about showing 3D point clouds?

DiMiTriFrog commented 2 months ago

I could also make use of a 3D .obj file viewer in my application, and the video player as well. The basic Flutter package that I'd personally recommend is this one: https://pub.dev/packages/object_3d which is a newly updated version of flutter_3d_obj. It's small and simple, and there's not that many other choices available. I haven't tested it personally, but looked at the code briefly and was satisfied.. My use case is for my implementation of DreamFusion, which I've got generating 3D models with AI from text prompt. Got it working but all I can do is save the obj mesh and mp4 preview to a folder, which is cool but not as gratifying. Video player is more difficult to find a good one that works on all the platforms. Best one I found is https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_meedu_videoplayer but it doesn't work on MacOS. Still looks functional. While I'm at it, I think people could do with a good Image Viewer, which includes full screen pan & zoom. I could definitely make use of that more than anything else in my app. The best one for the job I think is https://pub.dev/packages/easy_image_viewer. Even lets you open multiple images and page through them.. I've used a different flutter image viewer before, but this one's nice and simple. We don't mean to be demanding with features, just trying to help get it as fully capable as possible for most use cases. If I can help you integrate the plugins, I could, would just need to teach myself how Flet backend stuff works better. Thanks.

But are you able to show 3d objects on flet?