Open InfinitySoftware-House opened 1 year ago
I assume doing multiprocessing involves creating new processes with Python interpreter. In general, spawning of new processes is not allowed on iOS and Android.
I'm developing an app only for Windows and macOS now. I am testing it on macOS system and gave me this error.
In macos/Runner/Release.entitlements
(and macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements
) of Flutter app make sure sandbox mode is disabled:
Thank you! Now It is working!
@FeodorFitsner hot reload does not work though. If I reload, it quits:
Restarted application in 319ms. - - [25/May/2024 19:21:53] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - flutter: Start unpacking app archive flutter: Finished unpacking application archive. 2024-05-25 19:21:54.006 serious_python_example[98072:11620343] Swift runPython(appPath: /Users/highliuk/Library/Caches/serious_python_example-1.0.0-1/app/main.pyc, modulePaths: []) Lost connection to device. Exited.
serious_python does not support/provide hot reload. It's part of Flet framework CLI.
Hi! I'm running a code using Flask as "web server" and multiprocessing to use all the CPU's cores. It gave me this error when I am creating a Pool: PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted How can I run this flask server using something like sudo or admin?