fletcher / MultiMarkdown-4

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Abbreviations not triggering #64

Closed chrismajewski closed 10 years ago

chrismajewski commented 10 years ago

Migrating ticket from peg-multimarkdown https://github.com/fletcher/peg-multimarkdown/issues/133#issuecomment-40882374

On the latest version:

❯ multimarkdown -v

MultiMarkdown version 4.5.3
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Fletcher T. Penney.

That lists and describes the use of abbreviations I can't get it to work as described.

Lifting the source from the example:

# Abbreviations test

The HTML specification
is maintained by the W3C.

*[HTML]: HyperText Markup Language
*[W3C]:  World Wide Web Consortium

The parser doesn't seem to pick up the pattern and encodes the abbreviations as one line using the asterisk as <em></em> ...

<h1 id="abbreviationstest">Abbreviations test</h1>

<p>The HTML specification
is maintained by the W3C.</p>

<p><em>[HTML]: HyperText Markup Language
</em>[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium</p>

or, with an extra return, as distinct paragraphs ( as it should ):

<p>*[HTML]: HyperText Markup Language</p>

<p>*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium</p>

I tested footnotes as a baseline, they function as expected.

Best guess is an error in processing line endings or the development version wasn't stamped into the public 4.5.3 release.

I'm also willing to accept I'm doing something silly or downright dumb.

fletcher commented 10 years ago

As mentioned in the announcement this is not in the public binaries. You have to compile from source.

chrismajewski commented 10 years ago

Downright dumb, thanks.

fletcher commented 10 years ago

No worries. Pushing a new feature to github is easy. Rebuilding all the installers is a bit more of a process. Plus this allows me to get some more feedback from "advanced" users before I push out a new binary.

Homebrew makes it easy

brew remove multimarkdown
brew install --HEAD multimarkdown
chrismajewski commented 10 years ago

Hard to complain when I get a feature included for free, one that will flip my delivery model on its ear.

The only risks forward, for me, are WCAG 2.0 issues in the HTML and PDFs. I'll do that validating for you and come back with accessibility recommendations. I'll do the same with WAI-ARIA when the Government of Canada (GC) presses that into production.

GC is already pushing changes back into Bootstrap because it needs it. MD, and by literal extension MMD, is too powerful to not be part of that same conversation.

You guys are awesome.

fletcher commented 10 years ago

Email me with some specifics about the WCAG 2.0 issues you have. I ran a sample document through a validator some time ago, and from what I remember the issues it flagged were really minor. But I could be misremembering or just mistaken.