fletcher / SimplenoteSync

perl routine to sync folder of text files with your notes on Simplenote
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Filenames with quotes or special characters don't work properly #2

Open fletcher opened 14 years ago

fletcher commented 14 years ago

placeholder to remind me to look at this

jrk commented 14 years ago

One issue I have particularly noticed:

Items created with a / in their name in Notational Velocity have a : instead on the filesystem. These sync up to Simplenote with the : but are constantly re-added according to the sync script log.

In general: why must the chosen special characters (:,\,/) be mangled or removed? This both seems to lead to less-than-smooth roundtrip behavior (it is different depending on whether an item was named with these characters on the client side or the Simplenote side), and is generally unnecessary: these characters (escaped) are supported by many modern filesystems (in my case, and that of many users, HFS+ on Mac OS). It would be useful, and also hopefully simpler, if they could be retained whenever possible.