Closed envobe closed 4 months ago
I found that HRMS installation tends to fail sometimes and it's got nothing to do with the installer.
Please exclude HRMS from this package. Drops the quality of this package to magma level. Destroyed 2 VM's in the last week trying to figure out what was the issue. Anyone who is interested in HRMS can do it easily.
Destroyed 2 VM's in the last week trying to figure out what was the issue.
@toofun666 Thanks for your feedback and suggestion. Just so you know, if the install crashes during HRMS install it does not require you to kill the vps as at that point the only process left is ssl setup which can be done manually.
I really don't understand why HRMS install is buggy because it is the same experience even outside the script. However, i would prefer to leave the decision to install HRMS to the user while informing of the risk. I will move HRMS install to the very end of the install process and add a warning to users to know that HRMS install might throw an error. Moving it to the end however ensures that the base setup is complete so the HRMS install crash will not force you to terminate your VM.
I have the same issue here. I have ubuntu 22.04 + erpnext 15
@imlei Please confirm if you're running the script as root.
@imlei Please confirm if you're running the script as root.
yes, I am running as root
@imlei You cannot run frappe installation as root. Please create a standard user and add to the sudoers and ssh with that user to run install.
@imlei You cannot run frappe installation as root. Please create a standard user and add to the sudoers and ssh with that user to run install.
Tired as frappe, get the error:
Installing hrms...
Setting up Frappe HR...
Installation for Frappe HR app failed due to an error. Please try re-installing the app or report the issue on if not resolved.
An error occurred while installing hrms: Module import failed for Expense Claim Type, the DocType you're trying to open might be deleted.<br> Error: No module n amed 'frappe.core.doctype.expense_claim_type'
Traceback with variables (most recent call last):
File "apps/frappe/frappe/commands/", line 445, in install_app
_install_app(app, verbose=context.verbose, force=force)
context = {'sites': [''], 'force': False, 'verbose': False, 'p rofile': False}
apps = ('hrms',)
force = False
_install_app = <function install_app at 0x7f255be520e0>
filelock = <function filelock at 0x7f255be51d80>
exit_code = 0
site = ''
app = 'hrms'
err = ImportError("Module import failed for Expense Claim Type, the DocTyp e you're trying to open might be deleted.<br> Error: No module named 'frappe.cor e.doctype.expense_claim_type'")
File "apps/frappe/frappe/", line 311, in install_app
name = 'hrms'
verbose = False
set_as_patched = True
force = False
sync_jobs = <function sync_jobs at 0x7f255ad9c790>
sync_for = <function sync_for at 0x7f255ad9d240>
sync_customizations = <function sync_customizations at 0x7f255bdfcaf0>
sync_fixtures = <function sync_fixtures at 0x7f255ad9d480>
app_hooks = {'accounting_dimension_doctypes': ['Expense Claim', 'Expense C laim Detail', 'Expense Taxes and Charges', 'Payroll Entry'], 'advance_payment_do ctypes': ['Gratuity', 'Employee Advance'], 'after_app_install': ['hrms.setup.aft er_app_install'], 'after_install': ['hrms.install.after_install'], 'after_migrat e': ['hrms.setup.update_select_perm_after_install'], 'app_description': ['Modern HR and Payroll Software'], 'app_email': [''], 'app_include_css ': ['hrms.bundle.css'], 'app_include_js': ['hrms.bundle.js'], 'app_license': ['G NU General Public License (v3)'], 'app_name': ['hrms'], 'app_publisher': ['Frapp e Technologies Pvt. Ltd.'], 'app_title': ['Frappe HR'], 'bank_reconciliation_doc types': ['Expense Claim'], 'before_app_uninstall': ['hrms.setup.before_app_unins tall'], 'before_tests': ['hrms.tests.test_utils.before_tests'], 'before_uninstal l': ['hrms.uninstall.before_uninstall'], 'calendars': ['Leave Application'], 'do c_events': {'User': {'validate': ['erpnext.setup.doctype.e...
installed_apps = ['frappe', 'erpnext']
app = 'frappe/erpnext'
required_app = 'erpnext'
after_install = 'hrms.install.after_install'
File "apps/hrms/hrms/", line 21, in after_install
raise e
File "apps/hrms/hrms/", line 9, in after_install
File "apps/hrms/hrms/", line 18, in after_install
File "apps/hrms/hrms/", line 414, in make_fixtures
records = [{'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Calls', 'expense_typ e': 'Calls'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Food', 'expense_type': 'Food'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Medical', 'expense_type': 'M edical'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Others', 'expense_type': 'O thers'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Travel', 'expense_type': 'Tr avel'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Brake Oil'}, {'doct ype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Brake Pad'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Clutch Plate'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service It em', 'service_item': 'Engine Oil'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service _item': 'Oil Change'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Whee ls'}, {'doctype': 'Leave Type', 'leave_type_name': 'Casual Leave', 'name': 'Casu al Leave', 'allow_encashment': 1, 'is_carry_forward': 1, 'max_continuous_days_al lowed': '3', 'include_holiday': 1}, {'doctype': 'Leave T...
File "apps/frappe/frappe/desk/page/setup_wizard/", line 412, in make_records
doc = frappe.new_doc(doctype)
records = [{'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Calls', 'expense_typ e': 'Calls'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Food', 'expense_type': 'Food'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Medical', 'expense_type': 'M edical'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Others', 'expense_type': 'O thers'}, {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Travel', 'expense_type': 'Tr avel'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Brake Oil'}, {'doct ype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Brake Pad'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Clutch Plate'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service It em', 'service_item': 'Engine Oil'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service _item': 'Oil Change'}, {'doctype': 'Vehicle Service Item', 'service_item': 'Whee ls'}, {'doctype': 'Leave Type', 'leave_type_name': 'Casual Leave', 'name': 'Casu al Leave', 'allow_encashment': 1, 'is_carry_forward': 1, 'max_continuous_days_al lowed': '3', 'include_holiday': 1}, {'doctype': 'Leave T...
debug = False
_dict = <class 'frappe._dict'>
scrub = <function scrub at 0x7f255bfeac20>
record = {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', 'name': 'Calls', 'expense_type' : 'Calls'}
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
condition = None
File "apps/frappe/frappe/", line 1190, in new_doc
new_doc = get_new_doc(doctype, parent_doc, parentfield, as_dict=as_dict)
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
parent_doc = None
parentfield = None
as_dict = False
kwargs = {}
get_new_doc = <function get_new_doc at 0x7f25596196c0>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/", line 22, in get_new_doc
frappe.local.new_doc_templates[doctype] = make_new_doc(doctype)
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
parent_doc = None
parentfield = None
as_dict = False
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/", line 35, in make_new_doc
doc = frappe.get_doc({"doctype": doctype, "__islocal": 1, "owner": ssion.user, "docstatus": 0})
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
File "apps/frappe/frappe/", line 1333, in get_doc
doc = frappe.model.document.get_doc(*args, **kwargs)
args = ({'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', '__islocal': 1, 'owner': 'Admini strator', 'docstatus': 0},)
kwargs = {}
frappe = <module 'frappe' from 'apps/frappe/frappe/'>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/", line 83, in get_doc
controller = get_controller(doctype)
args = ({'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', '__islocal': 1, 'owner': 'Admini strator', 'docstatus': 0},)
kwargs = {'doctype': 'Expense Claim Type', '__islocal': 1, 'owner': 'Admin istrator', 'docstatus': 0}
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/", line 70, in get_controller
site_controllers[doctype] = import_controller(doctype)
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
site_controllers = {'Module Def': <class 'frappe.core.doctype.module_def.m odule_def.ModuleDef'>, 'DocField': <class 'frappe.core.doctype.docfield.docfield .DocField'>, 'DocPerm': <class 'frappe.core.doctype.docperm.docperm.DocPerm'>, ' DocType Link': <class 'frappe.core.doctype.doctype_link.doctype_link.DocTypeLink '>, 'System Settings': <class 'frappe.core.doctype.system_settings.system_settin gs.SystemSettings'>, 'Notification Settings': <class 'frappe.desk.doctype.notifi cation_settings.notification_settings.NotificationSettings'>, 'DefaultValue': <c lass 'frappe.core.doctype.defaultvalue.defaultvalue.DefaultValue'>, 'Payment Rec onciliation': <class 'erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_reconciliation.payment_re conciliation.PaymentReconciliation'>, 'Customize Form': <class ' ctype.customize_form.customize_form.CustomizeForm'>, 'DocType Action': <class 'f rappe.core.doctype.doctype_action.doctype_action.DocTypeAction'>, 'DocType State ': <class 'frappe.core.doctype.doctype_state.doctype_state.DocTyp...
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/", line 95, in import_controlle r
module = load_doctype_module(doctype, module_name)
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
Document = <class 'frappe.model.document.Document'>
NestedSet = <class 'frappe.utils.nestedset.NestedSet'>
module_name = 'Core'
doctype_info = None
module_path = None
class_overrides = {'Address': ['erpnext.accounts.custom.address.ERPNextAdd ress'], 'Employee': ['hrms.overrides.employee_master.EmployeeMaster'], 'Timeshee t': ['hrms.overrides.employee_timesheet.EmployeeTimesheet'], 'Payment Entry': [' hrms.overrides.employee_payment_entry.EmployeePaymentEntry'], 'Project': ['hrms. overrides.employee_project.EmployeeProject']}
File "apps/frappe/frappe/modules/", line 254, in load_doctype_module
raise ImportError(msg) from e
doctype = 'Expense Claim Type'
module = 'Core'
prefix = ''
suffix = ''
app = 'frappe'
key = ********
module_name = 'frappe.core.doctype.expense_claim_type.expense_claim_type'
msg = "Module import failed for Expense Claim Type, the DocType you're try ing to open might be deleted.<br> Error: No module named 'frappe.core.doctype.ex pense_claim_type'"
builtins.ImportError: Module import failed for Expense Claim Type, the DocType y ou're trying to open might be deleted.<br> Error: No module named 'frappe.core.d octype.expense_claim_type'
An error occurred on line 458 with exit status 0
This is clearly an error from the HRMS app. Please do not install it for now. You can try to install it after your site is fully set up. I may have to remove the option to install HRMS as it is clearly a buggy app.
Hello, the terminal closes itself while installing the HRMS system. Do you have an update on this?